forum [I've got title block]
Started by @croccin-champagne

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Sorry there's no cool title, I'm brain dead apparently.

I'm assuming we don't need temps? Since we've already gotten to know each other's characters?

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Lmao me too. I’ll copy and repost mine bc my brain is oh so small and I forget details sometime. Also backstories? I’m going to switch Damian’s a bit

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Name: Damian Marcuse
Gender: Male
Powers: Control over plants, can speak to animals but cannot control them, generally life based set of powers. It often drains him to use his plant based powers, but he can gain energy quickly by sapping energy off any creature’s nearby life force, although he doesn’t do this unless he’s feeling especially wraithful since it usually kills the creature in question.
Appearance: Short and neat blond hair and cold, icy blue eyes. He stands at 5’11”, and seems ethereal from a distance. When his “dark side” comes out his eyes turn black and his skin will turn bone white. (Here’s a link that I though looked similar to what I was envisioning for him: )
Clothing: For casual clothing around the castle he can be seen in a white tunic with black pants and boots with a dark green cloak draped around his shoulders.
Personality: The quietest of his siblings, Damian is not very easily provoked. He is cold and calculating, and exemplifies greed the most out of the seven deadly sins. It will take time and coaxing to get him to warm up to someone, but in order to obtain power he is likely to fake emotion to win over his bride so he can check her off his list and outsmart his brothers. He can be provoked when he believes a threat made towards him is serious, or if he feels he has been manipulated or deceived in some way. When he is in this state it is likely he will not listen to reason or anyone around him.
Likes: The forest, speaking with creatures (specifically birds), reading, gardening, outwitting others, and obtaining wealth and power.
Dislikes: The cold, hunting for sport, singing, painting, and opening up to others.
Talents: He is a good writer and can be eloquent in speech. He considers himself a worthy diplomat as well.
Other: He can often be seen growing herbs and has a secret interest in the art of potions. His favorite flowers are orchids due to their finicky and fragile nature.

Background: Damian is the son of rich aristocrats and the middle child of five children. Upon reaching age 20 his parents sent him aboard the Sea Mare to cross the ocean and attend Merlin’s school of magic, a prestigious institution for those with multiple gifts.


Name: Catori Hallowe
Gender: Female
Powers: She’s a witch with strong ties to the element of fire.
Appearance: Dark hair cut to just below her shoulders, usually braided back, or loose with smaller braids scattered throughout. Dark skinned, with various scars covering her body, including on her wrists from being tied down. Tribal flames and symbols tattooed on her back, arms, and rib-area. About 5'6 and decently muscled, but on the thinner side due to forgetting to eat.
Clothing: Wears (badly) hemmed men's trousers, and white button ups with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Black riding boots, and a belt covered in pouches, in which she keeps herbs and things. A small silver pendant of a sparrow she only ever takes off to keep it safe.
Personality: A pretty fun and laid back person, but has a temper. Her angry smile is absolutely terrifying. Loves learning, and helping other people. Outspoken, but knows when to mind her tongue. Can occasionally be manipulative.
Likes: Fire, reading about magics, music and dancing, and flirting with any vaguely humanoid being.
Dislikes: Stuffy people, small spaces, and assholes.
Talents: Staying awake for inhuman lengths of time, getting people to like her, magic, and memorizing inconsequential facts. She's a talented singer as well, but rarely actually sings, especially not in front of people.
Backstory: The youngest of her siblings, she spent quite a bit of time getting in and out of trouble with her brothers. When she was fifteen, she snuck out to visit a friend, but didn't return home. Despite exhaustive efforts to find her, she remained held captive by a man using her as a magic generator for a year, before managing to escape entirely thanks to chance. Her kidnapper was never found, and she lived in fear for quite a while. Now, at nineteen, her older brother finally convinced her to leave home to explore the world, and ease her fears.
Other: Gets so excited or absorbed in things she forgets to eat. She never sleeps because of nightmares.


It was late at night that Canary found herself on deck, once again unable to sleep. The sky was so clear that it blended with the ocean, calm enough that the two almost looking like the same entity, undisturbed except for the ship drifting through the waters. She was fairly certain she was the only one up, except for the man at the wheel, tasked with keeping the ship on course.

She leaned against the port railing, a small smile playing on her lips as she looked out at the water. She might have been on her own, but she was taking on the world, something long over due.

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Damian was wide awake in his cabin, gritting his teeth in frustration as he poured over a book, holding an oil lamp above it with caution. The last thing he’d been able to practice his magic on was a patching of drifting seaweed. At this rate he’d have no powers by the time he got to Merlin’s. He shut the book with a sigh, deciding to go speak with any fish or gulls in the area. With quiet footsteps he crept up onto the deck of the ship.


Catori reached out over the edge of the railing, palm upturned to the sky. A cool breeze blew from somewhere, sending a shiver down her spine as she let the flames flicker to life on her hand. Oliver had told her to use her magic often enough that it was easy to call forth, and then proceeded to monologue about magic use and muscle memory for the next half hour. She;d be the first to admit she hadn't listened much, but her smile grew at the thought of her brother.

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Damian hadn’t expected to encounter anyone, backing up a step at the thought of dealing with another person. He stepped on a squeaky floorboard and cringed, cursing under his breath. He silently prayed the silhouette out
outlined in the moonlight wouldn’t turn around.


Catori spun around quickly, the flames in her hand growing to allow her to see. He's not here. You checked the list of passengers. It was still hard to calm her racing heart, but once she caught sight of the source of the noise, she did relax a bit. "Can't sleep either?" She called softly, snuffing out the flames by closing her fist.

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“Lady Catori.” Damian relaxed a little as he recognized one of the few passengers he’d forced himself to interact with. “My apologies if I startled you. I’m afraid sleep eludes me as well.”


Catori couldn't help the way her nose wrinkled at the added 'lady', but shot him a smile. "Don't worry, I just startle easy." Her eyes flickered up to the stars, then back down to Damian. "If there was ever a night for sleep to be unattainable, it's tonight."

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“I would have to agree.” Damian sighed, slowly strolling up next to her on the deck, standing about a foot away and staring at the ocean. “I came up here to talk, but I suppose you make as fine company as any.” He mused softly.


"How sweet." Catori said with a laugh, turning her gaze back to the ocean. Small whisps of hair had freed themselves from her braid at some point, framing her face. "Where was it you were headed again? It was an academy, no?"