forum Dying to live// one on one (closed)
Started by @_sleeby_rat_

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Skye pushed at the bow a few more times, trying to get away before finally stopping. "Had to try something." he growled, mentally cursing himself for getting caught. "Besides, what are you gonna do? Take me inside and strangle me there?"


“No, I was gonna help you get out,” Amato hissed as he pressed down harder for a brief moment. “The guards are idiots when it comes to magic, but my retainers aren’t. You stay here and they’ll find you and kill you. I was going to hear you out, give you a second chance to think things over,” he hissed

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"I can take care of myself." Said Skye, pulling on the bow to loosen the grip, still holding onto it to try and keep it away from his neck. "And I definitely wasn't planning on sticking around, Heck! I didn't even know you were here!" he said.


“You said you were a thief, right? What was it you were planning on stealing?” Amato asked, bringing his bow just a little ways away from the other’s throat, hoping it would show he didn’t want to kill the other

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Skye relaxed a little when the bow moved, "Thief, street rat, survivor, same difference.." he said, "And I came here to steal a coin, or some small piece of the treasure that's supposed to be in this tower, some sort of trinket to prove I could get in and out for a bet with some dangerous people." he said, "And before you go asking, I made the bet while playing a card game to protect a group of street rats they were gonna sell off as slaves."


At that, Amato lowered his weapon. “God’s be damned, you should have asked what fort they were sending you into before accepting. Don’t you know they keep a demon in these walls?” he sighed. “You could have been killed, or worse.”

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Skye huffed pulling away and turning to face the other, his violet eyes studyingthe other carefully. "And why do you care?" He asked, hiding his surprise. "And I could've handled a demon."

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(It's simultaneously snowing and raining, and we have daffodils.)


“You couldn’t handle me,” Amato said lowly, eyes narrowing at the other as he held his bow tight just in case. “What makes you think you can handle the devil in the walls for a piece of gold?” he asked slowly

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Skye growled, using magic to summon his blade to his hand. "To my defense I wasn't expecting anyone up here. And definitely not someone skilled in combat." He said.


Amato watched the blade go to the stranger’s hand, and his lip curled up in a growl. “I suggest you sheathe that. I’d hate to hurt you,” he threatened lowly

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Skye didn't sheath it, holding it lightly at his side, the metal shining in the starlight. "I think not. Especially considering that you have a weapon ready to go, plus armour, which happens to be a luxury I don't have access to." He said flatly. "It makes more sense in the view that you could attack me at any second, to have a weapon free for defense."


“I barely have any armor on,” Amato scoffed with a roll of his eyes. “Besides, I won’t attack you unprovoked. It’s undignified, and you just need some help getting something to steal, which I can help you with

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"Armour is armour." Said Skye quietly, sheathing his weapon, deciding to take the chance and trust him. "Besides, why would you help me??" He asked, shocked that he'd even suggest it.


“Because the soldiers here are bastards and I’m happy to give away my father’s old horde. Bastard doesn’t need it anyways,” Amato huffed as he straightened, slinging his bow across his back

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Skye had to laugh at that, his hood finally falling back to reveal his multicolored hair. "Be glad you have parents and a place to live." He said. "Though I have to wonder, if It's your dad's horde than are you…?" He let it hang.


“The demon in the castle, to put it lightly. Long forgotten in favor of my more successful siblings. I’m trapped just as much as any prisoner until I’m deemed useful for war, or whatever hell the king has planned for me,” Amato answered, as if he had said it many times before

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Skye rolled his eyes, "You don't look like a demon to me.." he said, "In any case you're kinda cute.." he looked the other over again.


Amato blinked owlishly at first, but his expression quickly turned to one of amusement. “Well, that’s certainly not the kind of outlook I expected you to have towards me,” he chuckled, a hand reaching up to rubbing at the back of his neck

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Skye shrugged, "You could have scales instead of skin and it still wouldn't shock me too much.." he said, watching the other's expression. "Besides, I can't believe anyone would betray the King.."


"He betrayed me first," Amato answered plainly, though a coldness had seeped into his voice. "But enough of him. Do you want that piece of treasure or not?" he asked, standing up straight now, or as straight as he could with the way his frame was built

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Skye nodded, "Why not, I'd be happy to help you spite the old man." He said, noting the ice in the other's tone.

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(Sorry, had to make lunch for tomorrow. Will be on consistently now.)


(it's all good. I'll be a lil on and off in a bit though, I'm taking a break atm lol)

"Well, in that case, off we go. Though it would be far more efficient to do things like this," Amato said, grinning slyly as his form began to shift in a whorl of black and red smoke, gold streaks now interlacing it. His form grew from the shadows the smoke caused, until a large, three-headed dragon appeared where he had previously been standing, its size alone making it difficult to fit entirely on the tower

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Skye took a step back in awe. "Okay.. now I know what they mean by demon, cause that's freaking awesome." He said.