forum Battle Sun(DEAD. WHY?)
Started by @Darkblossom group

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There's a lot of people staring at me. Amar gulps. She starts looking for any empty seat. It's a full house. Frantically looking around she hopes to find any one else that could possibly be in this situation.

(Open for interaction I guess)

@Darkblossom group

Lorreth hears a noise outside the room of someone running. She whips her head around and then gets up and walks to the door. It opens into a hallway, and she sees the door that led to the stands swinging closed. She rushes to open it and bursts through, scanning the crowd of people in the stands. She sees someone near the front standing around, with a fighter’s badge pinned to their chest. She walks up to them(Amar).
“Hey, the fighters are back there. We are supposed to wait there for our turn in the arena.”
(I probably should have clarified this, you are not watching the battles you are fighting in them. It’s okay though, I can make it work. This is what Lorreth is here for)


Amar stares at Lorreth. Late and in the wrong place. Can this day get any worse?! Starting to walk where Lorreth directed she hears Dash speak. Stopping she waits to here the response.

@Darkblossom group

Lorreth shrugs at Dash.
“Whenever the announcer calls your name. Im Lorreth by the way.” She smiles, then turns back to the waiting room and picks her way back through the stands.

@Darkblossom group

Lorreth keeps walking, her footsteps drowned out by the crowd. She stops at a yellow door, and pulls it open, to reveal a small hallway. She turns to the right, and into another room.


Slowly following Lorreth, Amaryllis sighs. Please don't let my turn by next. I don't need that stress. Turning into the room she sees all the contestants. Just be chill, don't let them find any fear. She walks to a side of the room and starts leaning on the wall.


Dash pauses in the doorway. People. More of them. Also staring at him. He creeps to a corner and stands stiffly, uncertain whether or not to hope for his turn to be next.

@Darkblossom group

Another person calmly walks into the room, wearing a very official-looking uniform.
“Lorreth Krio, you are the first contestant. Please stand by. You will be called on in two minutes.” The woman walks back out, shutting the door behind her.
Lorreth smiles and begins stretching in the middle of the room.
“You guys can watch me fight if you want. There is a window.” She stops momentarily to point at a window with a piece of cloth covering it. Outside, the booming voice of an announcer sounds, welcoming everyone to the arena.


"The cloth suggests otherwise." Trinity sarcastically remarks. "Who's after Krio?" she shouts at the closed door, hoping the women is still there.


Listening to the announcer, Amaryllis makes her way toward the window to just see what's out there. Pulling the cloth away she comes face to face with the arena again. She sighs. Still just as breathtaking as the first time.

@Darkblossom group

No one answers Trinity’s question. Lorreth moves to stand by the door, and peeks over Amaryllis’ shoulder. In the middle of the arena is a man holding his hands to the sky, singing a song to the Goddes.

(Quick note: the goddess is called the Zubqall Sheka, is all powerful and the only goddess worshiped. The singing before the battle is basically like when they sing a national anthem before sports games.)

@Darkblossom group

The man outside stopped singing, and bowed before walking off through a door on the other side of the arena. The announcer speaks again, calling Lorreth’s name, and Lorreth opens the door, waving as she walks confidently out into the open arena. The announcer calls out another name, Craig Huufin, and an athletic looking man wielding twin short swords similar to Lorreth’s steps into the arena.


Turning Amaryllis takes her place back at the wall. Wonder if it'll get interesting this time. She holds her breath until the battle begins, making sure she continues to stay strong

@Darkblossom group

Lorreth smirks, and crouches down. Craig rushes her, snarling. He casts a minor spell, and suddenly bursts forward as fast as lightning. Lorreth sidesteps easily, but Craig was ready for that and redirects his momentum to the side, just barely missing her as she ducks down and pops back up. As she does so, she sweeps under him, and he almost jumps over her leg but isn’t quite fast enough, and rolls to the ground. Just before Craig can readjust, Lorreth throws a hidden knife at him, almost impaling his face. Luckily for him, he reacts fast enough that it just grazes his cheek.


Dash notes the swords and knife. So weapons are allowed. And they looked like the wielders owned them, they weren't provided.

@Darkblossom group

The fight goes on for a somewhat extended amount of time, neither fighter being able to truly wound their opponent. Lorreth displays great skill, but Craig is well trained as well. You notice that Craig has started sweating, while Lorreth is barely panting. If you look closer, you see magic lightly swirling around her hands. She is evidently using magic to suppress her tiredness. Just as the announcer is about to add an element to the fight to make it move along more quickly, Lorreth dashes to Craig and slices his chest, legs and arm. Blood pours onto her. She then kicks him down before he can retaliate, and stands with one foot on him, holding him down. After a tiny struggle, Craig gives up.
“The winner is…Lorreth Krio!” The stands are mostly silent, only two or three people clapping. Lorreth smirks and walks back to the waiting room. She opens the door and stumbles in, dropping her confidant facade and revealing how utterly exhausted she was. She literally just drops down on the floor, her body exhausted from the magic she used to win.

@Darkblossom group

(Okay this RP has died officially. Rip. Anyway, over in Characters I made a character chat called OG Battle Sun. So if any of you want to transition to that, which is a much more relaxed chat, then be my guest!)

@Darkblossom group

(In Characters. I also have a different chat in the General Chat section called Speak My Children if you want to talk one-on-one with a celebrity Scorpon(species name).