forum Battle Sun(DEAD. WHY?)
Started by @Darkblossom group

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@Shadow_Knight group

"We need to watch out for her." Night said pointing at Lorreth. "I can agree with that. She look like competition." Nykidia said as she rolled a coin across her finger tips.

@Darkblossom group

Lorreth surveyed the room one more time, before speaking.
“So, what are your names? I’m Lorreth Krio.” She put her dagger away, and took out a short sword in its place, twirling it around a bit.


Trin stayed quiet, releasing no sign of emotion for the others to read. She continues to observe, waiting for someone to crack, stumble, surrender a note of vulnerability.

@Darkblossom group

Lorreth squinted at Trin, observing her. I know that look. Nervous, so looking emotionless to hide it. Lorreth turned all the way to look at Trin.
“And what’s your name, Miss-Weakness-Seeker?” Lorreth smirked, trying to put her off guard.


"Trinity Hastings. 19 years old. Raised by an absent father and a sickly mother. Anything else you want to know?" she hid her smirk, her lips flinching only an instant, the sweet satisfaction of the spontaneous reaction.

@Darkblossom group

(You can join Bandito, just put your character up. I need more people to come on this more frequently anyway. Just make your character a late comer to the battle. I refuse to pronounce this dead)


(Probably still dying but ok)
Name: Dashilan
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Description: Freakishly tall and thin, downturned eyes and brows, long silver hair, dark gray eyes, wears suit pants and too-big button up shirt, four thick steel cuffs around his wrists and ankles, and a large steel chain around his neck and waist
Profession: Used to hunt flying wyvern things on the ground but he was forcibly taken to live in the clouds with the normal people where wyverns don't exist
Personality: Shy, kind, hates loud places and dumb people
Other: Manipulates metal if there is any nearby

@Darkblossom group

(Okay so if you are going to join, which you can, you need to check the discussion regularly, because that’s why these chats die. People forget about them. Anyway, you can have powers, but not something very powerful. Just something interesting that could still be beaten with regular skill)


Name: Amaryllis Myrrine
Age: 17 1/2
Gender: Female
Description: 5'5, curly hair, dark brown roots to red ombre, always in a bun, ginger colored eyes with subtle golden flecks, wears tight black leggings (easy to move in), has a belt that holds three daggers, switches between a black/grey/white tank top and a t-shirt. She also has a necklace that has a tiny silver wing on it that's very dear to her.
Profession: Unknown
Personality: ISTP -J
Other: If focused then she can create a small illusion that lasts for however long she can hold it. This power also drains her energy so it can only be used a tiny bit. If all her energy is drained she will faint


(Mind if I start?)
Hearing the buzz of people Amaryllis keeps on sprinting. I can't believe I'm late. Almost tripping multiple times she struggles to hold balance. Suddenly she bumps into someone and falls to the ground.
"Watch where you're going kid!" A man says harshly. Carrying forward Amar keeps on going, shaking off the dust that got on her pants. A few huffs later she reaches the arena. It's uh… a bit bigger than I thought. She walks in quietly and hopes nobody looks at her. Reaching the door to the arena Amar takes a deep breath calming her. People are late sometimes. That's not a bad thing. Right?
She opens the door and millions of people are in the stands. Clutching her necklace she hopes it will give her some strength Let's get this over with.

(btw, Amar is just nickname I use for Amaryllis cause it's easy to write with).


Dash slinks into the arena quickly. Not too late, apparently. He cranes his neck to see the top of the stands. He can't fin one empty seat. Great. More eyes pointing at me than I thought. He almost sneezes on the dust flying around and sees another girl who looks late.