forum Alexander Powell's Boarding School for Magically Inclined Youth // CLOSED
Started by @GoblinKing

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And yet hat would now be how her free period was spent. She had a test next period in Alchemy. So clearly, she was going to spend her time in the library reading comics.

@Shadow_Knight group

Nykidia decide it was worth a shot. She started walking calmly past the girl, hoping she wouldn't be suspicious. If she was she would just pull her into the kitchen as well. It was the cooks break time anyway.


"Notebooks… or something.. I don't remember but I just know I need something," she turned back to the locker, opening it and quickly holding out her hand to stop the cascade of books from falling out.

@Shadow_Knight group

"You need to study?" She asked. All their classes were pretty easy and she assumed most of the others were the same. Of course the classes weren't easy for everyone though.


"I guess. I have an alchemy test next period, which means- dammit. I need my alchemy shit.. They have stuff like that in the library, I think? Something like that. I literally just need a gas stove or a fire. I got everythin' else."