Celeste Sovanna is well known, for many reasons. She’s known as the daughter of the Nightmare, arguably the most evil and prominent threat the kingdom of Roviern has ever faced. She’s known as the Dream Thief, as Mara, as the person to go to when the Dream Realm troubles you. And most recently, she’s known as the Witch of Morovi Forest. Whatever the reason you’ve heard of her, the point is that you have. A household name of sorts in her kingdom, and decently known in others.
It’s peaceful life, the one she’s living now. That was her goal, to leave behind the hate and renown brought about by her father’s reign and downfall at her hands. A small cottage in the woods, an oasis for herself and a temporary sanctuary for anyone seeking her help. And it’s perfect.
Too perfect, it would seem, as the Fates have decided Celeste’s hardships are far from over. The King of Roviern shows up at her door one night, to request her aid in finding an incredibly powerful item that once belonged to her father, but has gone disappeared. Knowing the damage that the item could cause in the wrong hands, she reluctantly leaves her cottage with the King, starting off on a journey to the most likely place it could be. The palace of a neighboring King, one of her father’s closest allies and an enemy to Roviern.
No OP characters, or I will yeet your ass outta here before you can say 'this bitch empty'. I can't stand invincible characters, man.
Proper grammar, punctuation, and capitalization, please. I can get making a few mistakes, when you're tired, or English ain't your first language(It's mine, and even I have my issues), but if it's too common a thing, it irks the hell outta me. Call me a bitch, but hey.
Slurs, homophobia, transphobia, rascism, sexism, anything that ends in -ism and that harms or promotes the harm of other people will not be tolerated. See my first threat. Certain exceptions can be made for things important to a character's development and backstory, but they have to be cleared first.
Detailed-ish responses, please. Think three or more sentences. To keep it going.
Please, be on fairly often. Vacations, school, and jobs are all things I can get, but I'd like for this to have a regular pace!
andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules always apply.
This is rated M, because I am, in fact, looking for someone chill w/ smexy stuff and the occasional dark theme/violent-ish moment. When one of the main themes and a huge part of a character's backstory is tied to a genocidal and abusive villain with a god-complex, there are bound to be a few not-so-nice things.
I have the full right to add and edit this list. I also have the right to boot you if you're causing too many problems.
Got any questions? About the world, the character spot open, anything? Ask me, it's cool. Beyond that, a temp is on it's way!