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Started by @korixkj

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@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Allyanna looked up, shaking slightly. "I should not have- I am sorry- I did not think. I am sorry that you are essentially trapped here. I collected as much as I could from the wreckage of your ship, and I will try to build you a ship and get you home. However, I am a doctor, not an engineer. When I saw you, all I could think about was getting you better and giving you your best chance at getting home. I did not think this fully through. I apologize."


She knelt down, looking the alien in her eyes. "Stop apologizing. It's causa you I'm alive. I saw the capture of the wreckage, and I'm not sure how I even got out. I'll survive here as long as it takes you. My entire job here is to collect information about a planet. I'm sure i can do that from here"

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Allyanna nodded, taking a deep breath. "I am still sympathetic for your situation. I will do my best to teach you about this planet and surrounding ones, as well as to get you a way home. Until then, can you promise to stay inside as much as possible and to hide if you see anyone else? At least of a species that is not your own, if you see another… Human? You are fine to approach. This is just to make sure neither of us are discovered in a hostile way."


She nodded. "Will do. I'm certain you don't know what a Marine is, but I used to be one. Marines are soldiers on my planet. Stealth isn't a problem"

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Allyanna considered the word and the translation for a second. "Sounds like a Zephyr to me." The word came through several times- 'Zephyr, Sky, Air, Military Soldier.'
"Unless you meant the other translation- water or of the sea?" Allyanna said. "Though that wouldn't make much sense."


She nodded, smiling slightly. "Military Soldier" She hummed, thinking about the word. "We're called that because we're trained to be on boats and near the sea though"

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Allyanna nodded. "The Zephyrs are called that because they fight in the sky." She had stood up at this point, picking up her screens and floating them around her again.
"It is fairly early in the morning right now, so I cannot contact anyone about the patterns at this time, and I will soon have to head off to work. The hospital needs as many hands as it can get right now, parts of your ship blew off and landed more that three buzzes (unit of distance measurement) away. Nobody was killed, but several people have bumps, and the hysteria- The authorities believe whatever flew the ship is dead -I am still not sure how you are not- and it is helping to calm some, but I cannot call out of work today. Will you be okay by yourself? I will prepare compatible food for you, and I can get you paper and pen to draw to pass the time. Unfortunately, I do not have any books that will connect to the translator, nor any screen programs…"


She nodded. "I'll be fine here. You go to work, I'll survive" She replied, also having stood. "I'll probably just nap, to be honest, I hurt" she responded

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Allyanna nodded. "Alright. I'll make you some food in case you get hungry. Do you have any allergies or intolerances? And I'll leave paper and pen out for you. Does that sound good?"

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Allyanna nodded, heading into the kitchen. "I'll leave you a way to contact me if you need it." She called, preparing some food. She was quick and efficient, bringing the food into Al's room and arranging it on a tray. She grabbed a pen and paper, and a screen, which she fiddled around with, before showing it to Al. "If you need me, press this button. It will sent an alert to my mobile device."


She nodded "Got it. Anything I should know before being left to my own devices?" She asked, looking over the items that had been brought to her

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Allyanna looked around. "Hide if someone else opens the door- I will call out when I get home- don't touch anything if you don't have to… I'll try to ask around about the patterns for you, but I might not find out much. Do you have any questions?"


She shook her head negatively. "I'm good. I might page you to figure some stuff out though" She replied

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Allyanna nodded. "Alright. I may be able to call you if you do not need me immediately, let me just… "
She fiddled with the screen, then pointed to two different buttons. "This one will send an alert if you need me to get back here, and this one will call me if you need to talk but don't need me to come back."

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Allyanna nodded. "And if it is not urgent, just something you want to ask me when I get home, feel free to write the question down. I will answer to the best of my ability." She said, as she left out of another door.

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

More screens were on now, words in the alien language showing. None of them had been left floating, and the only things understood by the human would be the lines on the heart monitor, showing a mostly steady heartbeat.


Al got up and immediately began exploring the ship. She looked around, still not touching anything, but closely examining everything


(It definitely is, but it probably looks somewhat like a ship to Al. I picture something super clean and technological)