forum Sander Sides AU (Demons/Angels)
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Roman jumped a little and turned around, "Y-Yeah. Why you asking?" Roman gave a nervous laugh. He pointed over at Logan who was talking to other nobles and generals, "Look at Mr. Diplomatic over there."

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"Listen, you may not be as smart as Logan is, but you are smart in your own way, ya know? Don't be spiteful of him."

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Roman wiped a tear away and sniffed. He smiled at Patton and rustled Patton's hair, "Thanks Pat. Your smart too you know?" Roman winced as he tried to hide his wings more from the demons.
Logan walked over to Patton and wrinkled his nose at the wine, "Patton? We have the opening dance to start." Logan held out his arms.

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Logan smiled quickly at the name but hid it. He waltz with Patton humming a little, not caring if Patton could hear.
Roman looked over at the demons and looked at Logan. He was distracted….. So Roman slowly inched over towards them.

@spacebluelily language

Remus and Janus were chatting and Virgil was just standing there, drinking some wine. They had chatted with some of the people at the ball at first but quickly got bored of them. Virgil noticed that Roman was slowly inching towards them, so he slowly inched away from the rest of the Demons.

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Roman chugged the rest of the wine and stood next to Virgil, "So…..What are demons like you doing here? I don't have a problem with demons it's just unusual to see some here." Roman said quickly not trying to sound rude.

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Logan hugged Patton and let the world around him disappear. It was like that for a couple minutes until he heard a cup drop and he released Patton, "I-I have to go." He walked over to a Lord and started talking with him.

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"Uh…..I- I need to go get a drink.", Logan walked out of the ballroom.

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Logan sat down on a bench outside the ballroom. He swore quietly. He wasn't supposed to have feelings. He was the smart and logical one. Not like Roman who had every guy falling for him and who fell in love so fast.

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Logan went inside the ballroom and went around saying goodbye, purposely avoiding Patton. Then went upstairs and took off his shirt. He sat in his little reading couch and started reading.

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Logan jumped and blushed. He didn't have a shirt on and was not expecting Patton, "Y-Yeah. I'-I'm fine."

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Logan sighed and put aside his book. He scooted over on his couch, "Come sit down and I'll explain."

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Logan smiled, "I'm the smart one…..Feelings get in the way. Yet my feelings for you have developed."