forum Saimota rp with @Naize_lupin
Started by @heeey-bitchhhhhhhhhhh

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Kaito laid down on the other's bed almost as soon as they arrived. He was exhausted from going days without any form of sleep. After the breakup, nothing mattered to him, which was a complete change from his usual self. However, Shuichi seemed to help him a lot just by being there, though even with the other present and his complete exhaustion, he didn't fall asleep.


Kaito didn't mind, though he didn't do anything. He wasn't sure if it was okay to just wrap his arms around his best friend and cry until he fell asleep, so he just laid there, quietly, occasionally looking at Shuichi before looking away as he tried to fight back the forming tears.


Kaito held onto the other tightly once he was pulled into the hug. "Th-thanks…" he replied as he let the tears fall again, deciding not to keep holding them back. "I…I don't mean to be so upset…"


"I know…but it's weird…" Kaito sighed. "I guess that's just what happens when you don't express this stuff around people… I guess I assumed that everyone would leave if they saw this side…and I seemed to be right…until now…"


Kaito nodded as he slowly calmed down. He was running out of energy to respond to the other or even properly express his emotions with how long he had gone without sleep and how much energy he used just to cry over everything when alone.


Kaito didn't say anything in response since he was already half asleep by the time Shuichi told him to sleep. He calmed completely as he slept, seeming to be at peace for the first time in days. Due to Shuichi keeping him close as the night went on, he slept throughout the night. It was eventually the next morning, and he was still asleep, remaining at peace as he regained energy in Shuichi's arms.

After a few more minutes, he woke up. He was feeling better than he was yesterday since he finally slept for the first time in days. He still wasn't at his best since he needed to take care of himself, but he was doing better.

"Good morning, Shuichi…" he told the other, his voice still close to gone from all of the crying. "How are you…?"


Kaito didn't mind the other cuddling close to him. He enjoyed it, as it comforted him from everything that had happened recently. "Glad you're doing okay. Also…I'm not sure how to respond to that, but we can cuddle…"