forum PJO One on one? {OPEN}
Started by @CWPoofToxicRush

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He looked up at her, a bit shocked before throwing his head back, laughing so hard he has stomach cramps. "Åh mine guder, that," He pointed at her, "was funny." (Åh mine guder = oh my god)


He laughed again, standing and bowing grandly, taking her hand and kissing the back of it, jokingly. "Griffin. And it sure it a pleasure, Melody." He looked up at her from under his eyelashes and chuckled at her expression then stood.


He raised an eyebrow, chuckling at her comment, "Indeed? Well, I'll see that that his dickery is no more. I, a valiant knight, shall protect you, my fair lady!" He puffed his chest and put his hands on his hips before smiling at her, brightly and coming out of the pose and the caricature.


He chuckled with her then said after the laughing fit was over."Seriously though, the dude should fuck off then buy himself a working pair of ears. I've heard Apollo's kids sing, but you're something else. If he has more any more shit to give you, you'll have a Hades kid to help you out."


(lucinda) Lucky walked to the beach and sat in the water. she loved to swim at night and tonight, the nightmares returned. she swam closer to shore and herad chatter.


She smiled. "Thanks, but I've already double cursed him. Rhyming couplets, AND he can't speak. Only singing." She said, snickering, before looking up. "Don't let my brother find out though, he'll be pissed since I'm not that accurate and it can last a while."


He smiled at the girl, liking her more and more. "Don't worry. Your brother won't get a peep from me. But, at least let me send one of my ghost friends after the Ares guy. The ghost is really funny, but he's the kind of funny that would annoy the everloving shitzle out of an Ares kid. I'd love to see what they'd try to do to get rid of him." Griffin smiled mischievously.


He raised an eyebrow, "Do I want to accept it? Last time, you gave me a jellyfish tentacle and I still have the scar." He showed his hand, "Granted, I did give you a rotting eyeball before that…"