forum Oumami rp
Started by @heeey-bitchhhhhhhhhhh

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Rantaro held Kokichi close to him for a moment before picking him up again. As long as he got back to the dorm with the other, things would be alright. He made sure that Maki's lab was back to the way that it was before his boyfriend regained consciousness, so there was no need for him to worry about cleaning up. He could go back to the dorm and cuddle with the other, as well as explain to Kaito what was going on since he had forgotten to text the other with how urgent the situation had been. It had definitely been a long day, but at least everything was okay.

Since there was no longer any chance of Kokichi dying, Rantaro wasn't in as much of a rush to get back to the dorms. He didn't want to run too much, as his lover was trying to rest in his arms, and he didn't want to disturb him. As he walked back, he noticed that the other was calm, and he appeared to slowly be regaining strength. He noticed that the other's hair had never reverted to its normal color, but he had only been recovering from the poison for about fifteen minutes by then. There was a chance that it'd take a while to go back to normal, but there was also the chance that it would stay that way forever. Even if that was the case, at least in Rantaro's mind, Kokichi was still beautiful.

The walk back was silent, but he soon arrived at the dorms about ten minutes later. He noticed that there still wasn't any progress with Kokichi's hair returning to normal, but he hadn't expected that to occur in the ten or so minutes that he had been walking back to the dorms with the other in his arms. The hair color would definitely need to be explained to Kaito, but he was sure that the other would still love Kokichi despite the difference in appearance, so he didn't worry much about that.

Once he walked inside, he noticed that Kaito was still asleep. He found that to be a bit strange, as he hadn't expected the other to take a nap for at least four hours, but he didn't mind. At least he knew that he didn't worry the other due to being gone for a little while. He didn't want the other to worry about him and Kokichi since they were gone without any explanation. All things considered, it was better that he was asleep.

"Alright, Kai's still asleep. That's good. You two can cuddle, and we can explain the situation with your hair when he wakes up, alright?" he said softly as he set Kokichi down on the bed. "Right now, you just need to relax. If you want anything, just ask me. Kai's here to cuddle with you, and I'm here to get you anything that you need. Yes, that does mean cuddles, too," he smiled softly. "I love you, Kichi."

After he laid Kokichi down on the bed, watching him snuggle up to Kaito, he couldn't help but smile softly. He was a bit proud of himself for everything that he had done that day, and now he was sure that he could protect his lovers from Maki. Since he figured out the situation with the poison, even with how sudden it was, he was sure that he could get them through whatever she would do to them. As he watched them cuddle, he was sure that they would be safe. Relief and happiness was all that filled his mind. The day had certainly been chaotic, but it was finally peaceful. Everyone was alright, happy, safe, and healthy, and that was all Rantaro wanted when it came to his lovers.

"Sleep well, you two," he whispered softly as he decided to just climb into bed with them anyway. Despite his previous statement, he knew that all Kokichi would want was cuddles. "I love you two so much, and that's never going to change. You're both safe, and it's going to stay that way for as long as I love you. Now, Kichi, get some sleep. I'll explain to Kaito when he's up, alright? No need to worry."

(Did not mean to write seven paragraphs here- I just kept getting ideas. Take your time with this one!)


Kokichi nodded as rantaro talked to him. His body pushes him to sleep again rather than staying awake and talking to rantaro.

Soon enough the other curled up to rantaro, looking at his white hair with a longing sadness


Rantaro sighed as he noticed that Kokichi was upset about his hair. There wasn't anything that he could do about it, though. The effect was irreversible, something that could not be undone. As much as he wished to help him, his hair would never return to its natural color by any natural means. They could always dye it, but that was all that could be done to fix the situation. Naturally, his hair would likely remain white for the rest of his life.

"Kichi, I know you're upset about your hair, but it's gonna be alright…" he assured the other softly. "Even if it won't naturally return to normal, we could always dye it. Besides, if it makes you feel any better, at least to me, you're still the same, beautiful, amazing person that I fell in love with. No need to worry about that. I'm always going to love you. Now try to get some sleep, okay?"

As he finished whispering reassurances to Kokichi, he noticed that Kaito was beginning to wake up. He knew that the other would likely be confused about what was going on with Kokichi, but he was willing to explain. Besides, he needed to know what was going on with their boyfriend, too. As long as he didn't freak out or hate Kokichi now that he looked different, then things would be fine.

As Kaito woke up, he yawned softly before rubbing his eyes. Once he finished, he saw Rantaro and Kokichi, and he immediately noticed that Kokichi's hair was white. He quickly sat up and rubbed his eyes again, wondering if he was still partially in a dream or something like that. However, as he found himself fully waking up, he realized that it was reality, leaving him confused, as well as a bit concerned. How had Kokichi's hair gone entirely white? It didn't make sense.

"Hey…Taro," he began softly, whispering to avoid waking Kokichi up, "could I ask why Kichi's hair is white…? It was fine this morning, and well, it doesn't seem like you would have dyed it… Whatever caused the new hair color, it was certainly not a good thing… Besides, he looks pale… What happened to him, really? Not that I'm worried, as I'm sure that he's alright, but what happened?"

Despite the final addition to his comment, it was rather clear that he was a bit worried from his tone. He had tried to deny it so Rantaro wouldn't worry about that, either, but it wasn't successful. The other quickly caught on to the tone that his lover was using. He wasn't going to say anything about the worried tone, but he was going to tell the other that Kokichi was okay as well as explain what happened to him.

"To explain, Maki poisoned him," he explained to his lover. "She used some unheard of poison that has the same effects of prolonged stress. She was going to use that to kill him, and that caused his hair to go white. However, I did find the antidote, so Kichi's already recovering, so he's not going to die. Despite the other effects fading, though, his hair color is remaining white. I don't think it's reversible, sadly…"

Kaito wasn't sure how to respond to everything for a moment. Kokichi had been poisoned? When? He thought that Maki would have stopped with her active methods of attempting to murder him when they started dating, but it seemed as if she was remaining intent on killing the other. He didn't understand why she hated him so much. He wasn't the best person to those who he wasn't close to, but he wasn't horrible. Besides, he had grown to love the other after getting to know him.

"I thought she said that she'd stop actively trying to kill him…" he sighed. "Anyways, when it comes to Kichi's hair, while we might not be able to reverse the damage done, he's always going to be beautiful to me. No matter what he looks like, that's going to be the case. I mean, he's my boyfriend, and I am in love with him. Nothing will ever change that," he smiled softly. "Now, let's continue cuddling until he falls asleep, and then we can discuss ways to cheer him up."

Rantaro nodded in response as he pulled Kokichi closer to him. He gently ran his fingers through the other's hair. It seemed to be the same texture as it always had been, soft and silky, so there was no need to worry about that. He and Kaito both held Kokichi close to them for a while, hoping that he would fall asleep after a while. He needed to rest after everything that had happened, and sleep would just be useful due to how upset he was. Then they could discuss ways to cheer him up and make him happy.

(Um…ten paragraphs- Anyways…)


Kaito and Rantaro held Kokichi close to them for a while even after he had fallen asleep. They needed to make sure that he was completely asleep before they began discussing things, as they didn't want to wake their lover up. They just wanted him to sleep so he could regain energy and strength. While the effects of the poision were being mostly reversed, the process was extensively draining, so the other truly needed as much rest as he could get at the time.

Once they could confirm that Kokichi was asleep, they began to discuss what they should do to cheer him up a bit. They wanted him to be happy, as it hurt to see him so upset. Of course, whatever they had in mind, it couldn't be much since it would probably be a few days before Kokichi was fully recovered, but they could do small things that would make their lover happy, and they were sure of that. All they had to do was think of a few things that made him happy.

After a while, they came up with the idea to just give him an entire day to spend with them, and they'd give him anything that he wanted. Basically, it would just be a stay-at-home date sort of thing, but for the entire day, and with Kokichi getting anything that he could ask for. Of course, part of that was to prevent him from doing much in his weakened state, but a lot of that was just to make him happy. If he had everything he could want and a bunch of cuddles, surely he would cheer up, at least a bit. Besides, it was better to just stay together since Maki was still a threat.

As a few more hours passed, they finished discussing how everything would go and what they would need for it. Tomorrow would be the day that they decided to do this since it was getting pretty late. Once they finished their discussions, they decided that they would go to sleep as well. It had been a long day, all things considered, so they needed to get some sleep, too.

After they fell asleep, the next day soon came. Both were naturally up early since it was a school day, but neither of them had intentions of actually attending school. Kokichi needed their care, so that wasn't really an option. However, neither of them went back to bed. They needed to be awake in case Kokichi woke up so they could help him and just give him attention. They wanted to make him happy again.


Once Kokichi woke up, both of his lovers gave him a small smile. Rantaro also gently laid the other back down once he sat up, noticing the pain that he was in. Of course, he wasn't fully sure of the cause, but he was a bit concerned, remembering all of the events from the previous day and taking them all into consideration.

"Good morning, Koki," he smiled softly. "Please don't push yourself too hard, alright? You were poisoned yesterday, but Kai and I will help you recover, no worries!"

Kaito nodded in response to Rantaro's statement. They were going to help Kokichi recover from the lasting effects of the poison. No matter what would happen, as long as they ensured that their lover got better, things would be okay. They were going to care for Kokichi no matter how long it would take for him to fully recover. They were going to stay by his side no matter what happened to him in general.

"Yep!" he responded with a reassuring grin. "We really will be here to help you recover! As for other things, you can go back to sleep, you know. We're not going to school today. However, first, just to see what's going on, how are you feeling right now?"


Rantaro and Kaito both shook their heads in response to that. They really shouldn't be going to school with the condition that Kokichi was in. They didn't need him to force himself to attend classes when he was still recovering from the effects of a lethal poison. He still needed to get some rest, and the other two were aware of that. They were still going to take care of him no matter what.

"No, Koki, you still need to rest," Rantaro told him. "You were lethally poisoned. I happened to find the antidote, which prevented you from dying, but it'll take a while for your body to recover. You should probably just rest for another day or two, alright? Please, just listen so nothing bad happens to you, okay?"


Despite the argument, neither Rantaro nor Kaito were going to let him attend school that day. Surely the school would understand why he wasn't able to attend. Even if he had missed a lot of days, they couldn't expect him to show up when he was exhausted and in the process of recovering from being poisoned the previous day. If they did expect that, then there was just something wrong with the entire school system at that point.

"Kichi, that may be true, but you need to rest, okay?" Kaito told him, a hint of concern in his tone, although he didn't mean to express that. "You can go back tomorrow. I'm sure that they'll understand why you're not there. They can't hold this one against you since you're not in any condition to go to school."


Kaito sighed softly as he held the other close to him. He was aware that the other wanted to attend school, but he really didn't have the energy to, and he was worried that if Kokichi pushed himself too hard, something bad would happen to him. Rantaro was worried about that as well, so both were relieved that Kokichi finally agreed to stay there.


Rantaro held Kokichi close as he sighed softly. He wanted his lover to be happy, but he couldn't do that at the time. He couldn't allow his lover to go to school in his current condition, so he couldn't let him do what he wanted to. However, he was sure that he could still make the other happy somehow.

"Kichi, it's alright…" he whispered softly. "I promise…"


Rantaro sighed softly at the response. He wished that he could make his lover better, but he couldn't do much about it. He had already given the other the antidote that he needed, so all that they could do now was give him some time to get better on his own. Surely he'd be okay.

"You'll recover…" he assured the other softly. "It's alright…"


Rantaro nodded at the response as he continued to hold Kokichi close to him. He really wished that he could have done something to fix the other's condition, but he was sure that he would recover by the next day, so there wasn't much to worry about.

"Luckily you should recover by tomorrow," he assured the other. "Really, it's gonna be alright… I promise…"


Rantaro nodded. He intended on keeping that promise. As long as Kokichi relaxed that day, from the information that he had gathered while examining the poisons, the other would recover without any issues. He would get better by the next day if that happened.

"I will, I will," he responded with a small smile. "You know I will."


Rantaro couldn't help but chuckle softly at the comment. He was sure that his lover was joking, as he knew that the other wouldn't actually kill him. He seemed to enjoy that some part of Kokichi's playfulness was back.

"Alright, alright," he responded. "I love you, by the way."


Rantaro smiled softly as he softly kissed Kokichi. Surely that would put his lover in a good mood. Since he knew how much the other liked attention, he was sure that the other would be happy because of the kiss.