forum Ninjago Crystalized (Season 16) Roleplay (OxO) (Stalkers welcome) (CLOSED)
Started by @Reaper_288

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The entire group became tense in anticipation, waiting to see what the dragon would do. Wu took a careful step back, and Kai slid subtly in front of Skylor and Pixal. Only Bea, who was crouched next to the beast, and Eppa, unwilling to leave her, remained unmoving.


Luckily, he didn't move. The dragon noticed Bea nearby and slightly backed up, eyes dilating back to normal as the voices in his head started yelling again.

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For a second, everyone stood frozen, wary. Then, ever so slowly, Bea raised a hand and gently touched the dragon’s claw.


He looked at Bea in surprise, eyes wide. Ignoring the voices, he bent down and nuzzled her uncertainly, a purr rumbling in his throat.

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Bea relaxed as the dragon nudged her hand affectionately. Nodding back to the others, she said, "He's okay. I don't think he's going to hurt anybody."

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Bea hummed, petting the dragon’s snout as her eyes drifted over his body. She noticed places where the pink crystals on his body had broken off and now lay scattered over the steps of the Monastery. She realized without the crystallized spikes, he was smaller than she initially thought.

”What about Illusion?” She suggested after a moment’s thought, “Because the crystals make him look bigger than he actually is.”

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(I LIVE!!)

(Sorry, lol, I’ve just been really busy with school and stuff. :P)

“So…” Kai said after a moment of silence, “What now?”

”Well,” Eppa said slowly, “We need to figure out where he came from. And what exactly he is.”

”My scanners indicate that he is emitting a similar energy to the Overlord’s crystallized warriors.” Pixal piped up, “Though he does not appear to be contagious. However, I would like to conduct some tests just to be certain.”


(so sorry for late reply i didn't have the opportunity until now-)

Illusion seemed to understand, the dragon sitting down and holding still as best he could.