forum Marvel Roleplay One on One 1/1 CLOSED (stalkers welcome)
Started by Deleted user

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(sorry I've been saying liara as her name, I was thinking of another rp I was using her name in, I meant to say Ferris)
"I know you mean me no harm, you just saved my life." Ferris gave him a slight smile brushing past him, their wings touching as she walked by. "I'm Ferris but my friends call me noir." He looked back at the man as she continued to walk "And does my savior have a name?"

Deleted user

"Thomas," he said, "Thomas Barton," he followed her, "If you don't mind my asking, what are your powers?"


Ferris waved her hand slightly causing dark magic to flow around her fingertips reaching out towards Thomas's face in a gentle caress "dark magic. I'm the only one in my family like this." She looked sheepishly at her feet, letting her wings come out of the glamour "what are you're powers Thomas? Other than saving damsels in distress?"

Deleted user

Thomas smiled at the sight, admiring her skills, "Oh," he said, realizing she asked him a question, "Well, barring the obvious," he fluttered his wings, "I have enhanced strength and skills in hand-to-hand and swords. But other than that, nothing." He reached out a hand towards her wings, "May I?"


her eyes widened but nodded. she turned around, her back facing him, spreading her wings "you like sword combat too?" she was getting too close, way too close. But she couldn't help herself. She felt a kind of pull towards him that she had only felt once before

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Thomas gently ran a hand over her wings, admiring the curvature, "Yeah," he said, "I was trained in sword combat when I was captive," he explained, gesturing to the two swords that hung from his belt


she shivered slightly as he touched her wings. she turned to see the two swords hanging at his belt "captive?" she said with a hitch in her voice.

Deleted user

Thomas cleared his throat, running a hand through his hair, suddenly nervous, "Yeah, it's a long story…" he paused, "You want to come back to the tower with me?" he asked, "All of the others are gone. In Spain. We could grab a cup of tea or something?" he suggested, "The story is long enough not to tell it standing up," he joked


She smiled at his attempt at a joke. "I guess I can stay a bit, just as long no one else is with us." self-aware of her current situation, she glamoured her wings and walked to the window, trying to see if there was anymore reporters outside

Deleted user

Thomas nodded, "We're alone," he confirmed, walking to the kitchen and putting a kettle on the stove before joining her. Once the tea was ready, he handed her a cup and sat down, telling her his story but admin is too lazy to write it so yay!


She nodded gratefully as she took the tea. She made room for him on the couch and listened intently as Thomas told the story of his captive life. "I'm sorry you had to endure that alone." she placed a hand on his shoulder in kindness. you're getting too close she reluctantly let go and took his empty cup, taking it to the sink

Deleted user

Thomas shook his head, "It's in the past," he said, feeling his shoulder grow cold as her hand left it, "What about you?" he asked, standing and walking to the kitchen with her, "If you don't mind sharing…"


She stiffened "no…I don't mind. I'm pretty much a runaway. I left my home when I was 13, not being able to handle my family's abuse and came here to New York. After getting in trouble with authorities more than once, I started living on the streets. I hide in abandoned buildings and warehouses, trying to hide who I am from the world and…others." she glanced up at him, scared that he might ick her out

Deleted user

Thomas tipped his head to the side, "You're welcome to stay here," he offered immediately, "You shouldn't have to be out on the streets alone," the boy smiled and walked towards her, "You're welcome here"


She instinctively moved back a step "I'm fine, really, but thank you for the offer." She hated herself for being so weak, but too many times had she confided in someone and they had broken her.

Deleted user

Thomas frowned, putting his hands into his pockets, "At least for a bit?" he asked, "It by no means has to be a permanent situation, but at least stay for a bit? It gets lonely here alone," the boy smiled and leaned against the counter


She contemplated his offer "Fine, but only for a bit, and I wouldn't want you to be lonely." She went back to the living room and sat down "you're sure no one will be back?"

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Thomas smiled and shook his head, "Nat assured me that no one will be back until next week. It was supposed to be me and my sister Myra, but she left as soon as they did. Probably to spend time with her boyfriend," he sighed and plopped down on the chair opposite the couch


She laughed gently "ah the perils of love. to love one, you must sacrifice another." she smiled bitterly to herself. "And do you, Thomas have one you love?" she glanced at him

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Thomas looked at her, then shook her head, "Pleutonically, many," he said, "But romantically, none," he spread his wings a bit, "People generally don't want to date someone with big scary wings," he said a bit bitter

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Thomas chuckled, "Yeah, I guess you would know," he shivered slightly at her touch, though he wasn't sure why

Deleted user

Thomas smiled and accepted it, "Thank you," he said, taking a sip, "Why didn't you just leave the building?" he asked suddenly, "You easily could have gotten yourself out,"


I was on the top floor, there was no way out through the bottom floor, and I couldn't have flown out because of the reporters crowd"
Plus I was waiting for him she hated not telling Thomas the whole truth but if he knew that she was trying to kill someone, he'd have her locked up