forum Librarians One on One???
Started by @CWPoofToxicRush

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James was curious. He was also persistent. He grabbed a random pencil, rubbed the eraser down a bit, added a couple stickers, and ran after Gean. He managed to catch up to her at the bus stop, panting and out of breath. “Hey, hi. Sorry, you must think I’m insane. You, um.. dropped this.” He held out the pencil he’d tried to make personal-looking.


Gean bit back a chuckle. "Strange, didn't thing I had a pencil today. And I used all my 'Good Job' stickers on my nephew's notebook. Weird." She remarked coyly.


“Oh. Really? Darn it, I ran all this way for nothing. Sorry to bug you, I was almost positive I had seen you using this,” James said in a desperate attempt to cover up. “Well, I guess I should be going back. Again, so sorry to bug you.”


//idk either
But that could work
Like she dropped it in the library? And he finds it whilst shelving books? And then he catches up to her and ummm idk after that


James walked back into the library, immediately resuming shelving books. He was about to slip one back into its appropriate shelf when he noticed a slip of paper sticking out of it. Weird.