forum Librarians One on One???
Started by @CWPoofToxicRush

people_alt 2 followers


Yes. Very much yes. ((Also I might mess up a lot but as much as I love the show I never really got the chance to rp it so sorry in advance))


Name: Jameson Wistershire (because I can)
Age: ummm 25
Gender: Male
Sexuality: bi
Skill: ummmm shelving books at lightning speed (idk)
Looks: floofy black hair, grey eyes, olive skin, no freckles
Outfit: ummmm jeans and a band T-shirt usually
Personality: (am I allowed to say develop)
Other: no glasses, has a tabby cat named Marshmallow



Gean walked down the rows of books, looking for the one she saw last week. "Come on… works of Tchaikovsky… it's gotta be here somewhere…" She ran her fingers across the spines, scanning the titles. "Find this, then read that letter." She mumbled to herself, smiling when she found the work. "Ah-ha!"


James was helping a sassy teenager at the front desk. “No,” he repeated for the seventh time, “we do not currently possess a copy of that autobiography. The library a few miles away might, though. How about you check there?”

The girl was stubborn. “But I don’t want to go there,” she whined.

“Too bad,” James muttered. The girl rolled her eyes and stalked away.

//is that ok


((Yes.)) She sat down at a table, dropping her bag next to her as she rummaged around for the letter. She glanced up sympathetically at the poor guy at the counter. Damn… ain't she a stubborn somethin'


After James had finally gotten rid of the snobby girl, he took a deep breath and looked around. Focus on the books, he told himself. His eyes lighted upon the girl sitting down at a table, and he smiled sheepishly.