forum Hi people. Wanna do a Marauders Era Rp? (CLOSED)
Started by @CWTurtleOfFreedom

people_alt 7 followers


(Uhhhhh who's the new guy? They look like me…)

I'm the old guy, I changed my name because my test results changed. I'm no longer a Hufflepuff, no. NOW I'M SLITHERPUFF!!!Saving the day, one puff at a time.

//no but ur original name was something about Calaigh or something right


My first name was CayleighTastical, then little fork, then li'l fork, then li'l devil fork, then li'l fork, then CayleighTastical, then that Background Hufflepuff, then that Background Slitherpuff. I change my name a lot.

//parentheses please


There's a Background Ravenclaw!!! Well, not anymore, they deleted themselves, but there's Ravenclaw Fangirl and Heartbroken_Hufflepuff.

//quite different from copying another username

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

There's a Background Ravenclaw!!! Well, not anymore, they deleted themselves, but there's Ravenclaw Fangirl and Heartbroken_Hufflepuff.

//quite different from copying another username

(I didn't copy it, technically, and I fixed it. But seriously, we haven't even started yet.)


(Yeah you copied it)

(Well, for one, I used spaces, and for two, the main part is different.)

//I’m not trying to be rude here, I’m really not, but man, 2/3 words in the same order plus half of another word: cmon now. Spaces don’t alter the username’s meaning, definition, or originality in this case