forum Hi people. Wanna do a Marauders Era Rp? (CLOSED)
Started by @CWTurtleOfFreedom

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(I just realized your name isn't Background Slytherin, omfg! AND CAN WE ALL BE ANIMAGUS!!!???? PLEASE!!!)

//um that was an interesting question but i was thinking we could just be normal…..


Name: Jason (Jay) Curtis "Just call me Jay, the rest isn't important."
Age: 11
Gender: "….Maaaale? What do you want me to say?"
Sexuality: "Straight? Heterosexual? Um, I'm not really interested in a relationship right now…" Heterosexual as a very, very straight le-…. l-leaf, stick
Appearance: Fluffy/messy copperish colored hair, hazely blue eyes, freckles, my adorable smOL BEANNNN
Personality: He's sweet once you get to know him, but usually very aloof and shy. He's kinda scared of people tbh. He will stop at nothing to achieve a goal (that is, if it's something he cares about) and never talks about his past at all. He always seems to be hiding something about his home life, and won't answer any questions regarding it
House: Slytherin
Backstory: (Cliche I know, but I'll try to handle it well enough) His parents are abusive, but no one knows this as of now. The fact that his injuries seemed to just disappear overnight infuriated his parents, and they would drink more. Jay was overjoyed to find that he could go to a magic school and escape his house for the majority of the year, and decided that he was going no matter what (although it sounded too good to be true). His parents didn't want him to go, but he just left. All the hogwarts stuff he has is cheap and secondhand, as he didn't really have any money.
Other: He's a muggleborn and has a strange affinity with animals. Gifted with healing