forum Hi people. Wanna do a Marauders Era Rp? (CLOSED)
Started by @CWTurtleOfFreedom

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//Not really just run into Sly’s and Scarlet’s characters, they are wandering the halls. You could say that you got detention or something…?


(I never said she was. I just said she was going to listen to the girl, like a friend.)

//but how did she know something was wrong is my point here


(Nevermind) Looking up, Melanthea see's a small first-year girl, with her blond hair in pigtails. "Sorry." Melanthea apologizes, helping her up.
"I-i-it's o-okay." The girl stutters.
"Are you okay?" Melanthea asks, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder.
"Not really." The girl confesses.
"Come sit with me on the chairs and tell me about it." Melanthea offers, "You might feel better."
"O-okay." The girl says.


(In real life, a lot of people would be like ‘great’ but not actually feel great. If a random stranger asked how someone is was, there is a very high chance that they’ll just smile and say “great” when they’re actually not.

But even on the internet, some people do tell you how there day went but a lot of people still say “great” (okay maybe not actually ‘great’, but you get the point).

But this is a roleplay, no?

So that would be “real life” not “online”, and ad I said before people don’t usually tell strangers how they feel, unless they’re happy.

But again this isn’t an argument so…

Go on. .-.)


//since y’all turned this into an argument, I’m just going to ask where ur from (statewide) because if anyone asked me how my day was you’d either get a “good” or an “okay” unless u were there for a problem I was mad about