forum Hi people. Wanna do a Marauders Era Rp? (CLOSED)
Started by @CWTurtleOfFreedom

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“Well, I look ‘lovely’ in everything,” Cato said, spinning around on his chair and kissing her properly. He pulled back to say, “So that doesn’t mean much.”

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

Sitting up, Melanthea looks wildly around the room. Did anyone see me? She thinks, I'm in so much trouble if someone saw me. Pulling herself up, she gets changed into her pajamas and reaches for her book on Care Of Magical Creatures before she realizes she left it in the common room. Sighing, she gets up and starts the walk back to the common room.


“Yes, it’s perfectly justified,” she laughed after a moment, grinning at him.

“Good,” Cato nodded, undoing a braid. “You going to the first Hogsmede weekend?”


(Um okay sure)
Jay regained consciousness, but kept his eyes closed for a bit to just listen. He didn't know whether he'd be bombarded with questions or not, but if he was, he wanted to at least be somewhat prepared. After a minute or so, he pushed himself into a sitting position and blinked in the bright light.