@JustALostM book
(okay, then! i'll put up a response a bit later today)
(Whats going on?)
(Oop, kinda forgot about this o-o)
"All in good time, sunny Jim," Scrooge mumbled. Quinn flipped through the pages, as she walked behind one of the triplets. "I already knew Lena was a shadow, book." She said under her breath. She suddenly stopped as her eyes widened and she let out a yelp. She turned to Loww in confusion and said, "YOU'RE A SHADOW?"
Loww's breath got uneasy. He quickly backed up, behind the group and put his hood on. "You must be getting this wrong. Magica only had one shadow…Lina. She never had had a second one. And proof, Does it even say a name or just say she has a second shadow?" He shook his head, knowing he was just stalling so he could sneak away.
"The book doesn't lie, Loww. And yes, this shadow does have a name, and its name is Loww. Or are you telling me it's a coincidence that you and the shadow have the same name?" She said as she narrowed her eyes at him. "No wonder I felt funny around you," she said. "She told me I could feel the presence of anyone related to Magica."
Lily continued walking as her mind drifted off. She hoped her parents weren’t freaking out about her disappearance. She held her books close as she thought about her mother, who was no doubt worried about her.
Falco countined to walk with the group. He was thinking on who was the true bad guy. Was it him for holding on to his enemies of the family or was it the enemies future family
(the fact that i can't respond until Mosis does is sad)
Loww shook his head. "You…you don't understand…" He stared at Quinn. "I Don't want to do anything bad. I'm trying to be good. Please believe me… It's just Magica that's making me do this."
(Please excuse the small response I'm in class rn but I want ye to respond)
(it’s fine :D)
“I never said you were bad, Loww. We make our choices of being good or bad.” She sighed. “I should know,” she added under her breath.
Scrooge narrowed his eyes at Quinn. “Why were you reading that book either way?”
“I-I wanted to know more about Lena’s backstory and who you dealt with?” Quinn responded with a nervous laugh. She watched as the other members of Scrooge’s family reacted to Loww’s newfound identity, and as Scrooge managed to narrow his eyes even more at Quinn. “Why, Lily isn’t that the jewel the amulet is supposed to be in?” She asked as she pointed to a random jewel in the middle section of the city. She didn’t realize they had arrived in the middle so soon.
(Wait, is Quinn asking Lily-)
(Ah, shit. you see children, this is the effect of sleep deprivation. Please excuse me while I go change it to Lily and hit my head against the wall, and pretend like this never happened. Cool? Cool.)
(Oof okay)
Lily nodded. “I think so…” she said as she stopped in her tracks. She couldn’t believe they reached the middle so easily too…
Scrooge looked around for traps of any sorts, and when he concluded that there were none, he let his family take a look at the jewel. "Kids, this is our adventure ends. All we need to do is open the jewel and grab the amulet and we can head back home." "Finally," Louie groaned. "There hasn't been a single piece of gold or a stash of money since we got here. And we've been up all night." Quinn looked around and frowned. "Something's wrong. This was way too easy…" Realization hit her as Scrooge had started opening the jewel. "Wait don't! It's a trap!" But it was too late.
Lily grabbed onto Quinn’s shoulder, preparing herself for anything that could happen. This being a trap makes so much sense… she cursed herself internally as she tried to keep her balance.
(This is dead but are you up for a OxO Laffy?)
(Yeah, definitely!)
(Alright! Just make the forum, @ me, and you're going to start the RP? Or I am? And we'll talk out the details in dms?)
(Yeah, that sounds great to me. I can start the RP. I'll go make the thread.)
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