forum Black Friday by Starkid but with our OCs (will have a slightly different storyline)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 56 followers

Deleted user

As stated in the title. Rules are no smut, gore violence and swearing are fine, follow andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules, no one-liners, at least two sentences, hopefully more, and have fun!

I'll post a template when someone joins.

Deleted user

(We won't be filling roles of characters, but the basic premise will stay the same. If you like, you can have a character based off of one from the musical, though!)

Deleted user

(Note: Certain characters and/or groups, ie P.E.I.P. and Wiggly, but otherwise I'll be deviating quite a bit from the original plot.)

Deleted user

(Oof I don't know the names of half the songs lol. I'm just guessing which ones you mean.)

Deleted user

(Honestly if nobody else joins we can totally turn this into a one-on-one.)

@Moxie group

(Wait so its just our OCs in a Black Friday-ish scenario? If that's what it is, I am very down if you'll have me @lamer-gamer-feeling-sick )