forum Amaiibo rp with @Naize_lupin
Started by @heeey-bitchhhhhhhhhhh

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"Of course, that's difficult when I can't even stand up… Let's just cuddle…" Rantaro said softly. "Sorry if I'm being too clingy… I can be this way when sick or in pain…"


Rantaro nodded as he focused on sleeping. Within a few minutes, he was asleep. He slept through the night fairly well, and he felt somewhat better when he woke up the next morning. He still didn't feel that well, but he felt better than he had the day prior.

"Kiibo…?" he asked softly. "You up…?"


"I'll be okay…" Rantaro smiled softly. "I'm already getting a bit better. Once I'm released, I promise to just rest at home for a while. I don't want to worry you."