forum A Magic Kiss // Private -- Natasha, @TurtleOfFreedom, @camiestrange
Started by @Imperfect_Autumn group

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Bella raised her eyebrow. "Mhmm…….." She pulled out her phone quickly and started scrolling through her texts.


(I'm watching the Princess Diaries. It's funny!)

(I love the Princess Diaries! Haven't watched them for a while tho…)

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"What about-! No… Or-! No, wait wait wait… " Anikka struggled, trying to come up with a name.

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Anikka was too in the zone. "What do we do? We… help… their ideas… take flight! Oh, write that down write that down!" She told herself. "We… We…" She deadpanned and scribbled mercilessly in her notebook.


Bella nodded, snickering. "HEY!" She suddenly perked up. "Tim Hawkins is doing a show in town! We should go see it!"

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Anikka came back in so hard that she leaned heavily to the side and slipped off her chair with squealing "Really?!"


Bella gasped. "Anikka!" Her worry quickly melted into laughing. "Are–you okay–?" She asked in between laughs.

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"My hip… It fees like I got shot… Owww… But are you serious Bella?"


"Yeah! All week nine to ten, we can choose to go every night of the week or once, whatever works best." She said, slipping three tickets onto the table. "I thought it'd be a nice surprise and a nice getaway from work and practice and school and stuff."