forum A Magic Kiss // Private -- Natasha, @TurtleOfFreedom, @camiestrange
Started by @Imperfect_Autumn group

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@Imperfect_Autumn group

(All righty. I might, too, honestly…)

Daisy bit her lip and looked around the cafe, tapping her foot nervously. Bella and Annika were supposed to be meeting her in two minutes.


Bella ran into the cafe, still in her dancing clothes, which consisted of a tight-ish(Not too tight tho) black shirt, black leggings, and golden heels(like these: She was shouldering a black backpack and her hair was in a messy ponytail. She took a deep breath as she got to the table. "I'm sorry! Wyatt(her dance partner) was late and then Vincent(their dance instructor) had a new choreography for us….and with the comp coming up…." Bella paused to breath.


Bella sighed in relief, hugging her friend back, then quickly pulling away. "Uh…you might not want to hug me. I'm a sweaty mess."

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Anikka touched her hair. The Dutch braid still felt fine. But it won't if you keep touching it, she reminded herself. She hitched her backpack up on her shoulders and entered the cafe. She looked around blankly, not seeing Daisy or Bella.

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Anikka began to panic a little. She didn't see- Daisy's hand caught her eye. She hurried over with a look of relief in her face.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

"Hey, in my defense, you're not always sweaty," Daisy teased Bella. Turning to Annika, she smiled. "Look, someone I can hug with fear of getting sweat on me!"

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Anikka hugged Daisy tightly and sat down. "Hey Bella."


"Hey Anikka." She replied as she say down too, then promptly put her head down on the table and closed her eyes. She groaned. " I'm tired… "

@Imperfect_Autumn group

(Isn't it, like, 1 AM for you, Nat? Almost 2?)

Daisy sat down beside Annika, across from Bella. "Well, you can order some coffee with your food," she pointed out teasingly.

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(12:53 for meeee!)

Anikka adjusted the strings on her hoodie absentmindedly.



"Very funny Daisy." She said, getting up and ordering coffee and a muffin anyway. She came back quickly and put her food down.

(I just realized that all three of our characters are Christians…or like Christian music at least, which is fun! Maybe I can actually use some of my many spiritual pep-talks in this rp…

@Imperfect_Autumn group

(Lol. Nat, you should sleep. We all should…
No one's going to, though, are we?
Also, yeah, I noticed that. Lol.)

Daisy smiled when she saw what Bella had grabbed, then went up to order a blueberry muffin and hot cocoa for herself.


(Yup, if I try to sleep, I'll just separate at my ceiling for hours and get zero sleep anyways)

Bella sighed. "Uhhgg…..Wyatt has to go home for a family emergency….And we've got a week til the competition….this is going to be hard."