forum A Magic Kiss // Private -- Natasha, @TurtleOfFreedom, @camiestrange
Started by @Imperfect_Autumn group

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Bella laughed as she grabbed her friend's hands on hers. "Don't worry love I've got you covered. I have an idea." She said, taking off towards Anikka's room.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Daisy arrived at Annika's and climbed out of her car. She locked it, then stepped up to the door and knocked. Bella's vehicle was there already, so she must have arrived just shortly before.

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Anikka followed Bella, but quickly halted at the knock. She went back to the door and saw Daisy.

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Anikka opened the door and grabbed Daisy's wrist to pull her inside.

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Anikka frowned. "Yes, but I have to wear something nice. A category that I am officially terrible at." She and Daisy entered her room. Bella was there, studying the contents of her closet.


Bella was silent for a moment. "Your closet is hopeless." She finally said. "But……I think I can manage something."

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Bella was silent for a moment. "Your closet is hopeless." She finally said. "But……I think I can manage something."

"I knew it!" Anikka moaned. She perked up, barely, hearing the last bit of news and Daisy's suggestion.

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(Daisy? XD)

Anikka skeptically tried on the outfit, clasping the necklace on last. She admired herself in her mirror.