forum A Magic Kiss // Private -- Natasha, @TurtleOfFreedom, @camiestrange
Started by @Imperfect_Autumn group

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@Imperfect_Autumn group

(Okay, I know no one is on yet, but Imma start us off anyway.)

Daisy quickly applied one last coat of light pink lipgloss before grabbing her purse and slipping her shoes on. She had decided to wear a dress with a silver bust and black skirt over black leggings that held a slight sheen to them. Over her dress she wore a black leather jacket and shiny, silver infinity scarf. Her dark maroon, knee-length, lace up boots were her only pop of color in the outfit. Dressing up wasn't a requirement to go to the show, but she enjoyed getting to do it every one in a while.

(Her outfit, in black and white: )


Lincoln looked around his meager supply of clothes in his closet. After much agonizing decision making, he decided to wear his dark jeans, a greenish T-shirt, and a black coat cut to look like a suit jacket. He was excited for the show, but he absolutely hated dressing up.

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Anikka rooted through her closet. Too fancy… Too casual… She was 14 when she last wore that dress! "What am I supposed to wear?!" she moaned aloud.


Bella, on the other hand, had found an outfit to wear with ease. She was wearing a flowy, calf-length pink skirt with a grey shirt that had the Eiffel tower on it, flats that looked golden, and a black leather jacket. She really loved her leather jacket. She had put her hair up in a bun and was ready to go, except for one thing……Bella walked out of her bedroom and into her living room, which was connected to the kitchen, looking for her purse.

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Anikka touched a top, than shoved it deeper into the closet. She didn't like fancy stuff, but she was afraid to go to casual. She picked up her phone and sent a group text cry for help to Bella and Daisy.

I can't pick out anything to wear. Help!!! 😥


Bella laughed as she saw the text.
I'm on my way love, don't freak.
She said, grabbing her purse and heading out to her car.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Me, too!
Or you guys can just video chat me?
No, wait, I'm coming.

Daisy texted back, then shoved her phone back in her purse. She grabbed her keys, left her apartment, and drove to Annika's place.

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Anikka flew down the stairs. She saw Bella and sighed. "I still have clothes from high school. Help me!"