forum Your character in a Dating Profile
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Knight-Shives group

I thought it would be funny to do a dating Profile for characters because they could be weird.

Life Goals-
Star sign-
Who are you-
Song to Describe You-
Describe yourself:
**Physically in 2 words-
**Personality in 5 words-
Favorite Place-
Describe your ideal Partner:
**Physically in 2 words-
**Personality in 5 words-
Favorite food-
Things you hate-

Deleted user

Name- Evelyn Rose Dimon
Age- 26
Life Goals- To become a singer/song writer/ and own my own record company
Star sign- Virgo
Who are you- I am me, me I am. What more do you want?
Status- Pansexual, Single.
Describe yourself:
-Tattooe'd up.
-Dumb ass
Hobbies- Singing, playing guitar, reading, eating, naps, cuddling, skiing, pranking my siblings, and anything to do with fire.
Diet- I eat what I want. Huzzah for a good metabolism. No allergies here!
Job- Traveling guitarist. A fill in for bands when they're guitarist can't make it for some reason.
Skills- Well besides being musically talented, I can spout random facts, and I'm good at baking things.
Favorite Place- Oooh…the library or the pool
Describe your ideal Partner:
Sorta chubby but not fat. Comfy. Cuddly.
Brown eyes. I'm a sucker for em.
Fears- The dark, my father, betrayal, tornadoes.
Favorite food- Mac'n'Cheese!
Things you hate- Brussel Sprouts, talking about my past, people who don't like hugs or cuddles, jerks, being ignored(I'm clingy) dark chocolate, basic white girls, e-boys. A lot of stuff. I'm picky-ish.

@Fangirl616 group

Zenith Zander Zagami


Life Goals-
To not be murdered.

Star sign-

Who are you-
Zenith? Already typed this???

Single Panromantic Asexual

Song to Describe You-
Middle Finger by Bohnes

Describe yourself:

**Physically in 2 words-
Thin, muscular

**Personality in 5 words-
Sassy, annoying, protective, scared, and psycho.


No, not on a diet.

I think the government would arrest me if I put it here, but let's just say it involves the black market.

Fighting, annoying people to death, and cooking .

Favorite Place-
Outdoors. Typically places with trees and grass- I'm not picky.

Describe your ideal Partner:

**Physically in 2 words-
Don't care.

**Personality in 5 words-
Puts up with my Bull$#!%.

My ''Dad'', dying, friends getting hurt, Katsumi.

Favorite food-

Things you hate-

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Name- Taylor Sutton
Age- 16
Life Goals- Umm. I wanna be an astronaut.
Star sign- Taurus
Who are you- Who are you?
Status- Student, single, total homosexual.
Song to Describe You- I don't know??? The Boy in the Bubble by Alec Benjamin???

Describe yourself:
**Physically in 2 words- Spaghetti noodle
**Personality in 5 words- That sadist in the corner.
Hobbies- Watching horror movies, listening to music, studying psychology and space exploration.
Diet- Food. Pretty much anything. Except for sweets. I don't really like a lot of those.
Job- I work part-time at a pizza place
Skills- Making pizza from scratch, tying knots, etc.
Favorite Place- I like space, but I'll go where you go.
Describe your ideal Partner:
**Physically in 2 words- Preferably alive
**Personality in 5 words- Willing to hold me close
Fears- Claustrophobia, glossophobia, sociophobia.
Favorite food- I don't have one.
Things you hate- Racists, sexists, and. . . the smell of fresh-cut grass.

@Knight-Shives group

Name- Calix Windrow
Age- Lost track, but looks about 20
Life Goals- To do stuff… Protect vasilios from himself
Star sign- I don't even know when I was born… Big Dipper?
Who are you- An Angel
Status- In a Relationship with a fluff-ball of a demon
Song to Describe You- Maybe Save Yourself- Darkest Days
Describe yourself:
** Physically in 2 words- An Angel
** Personality in 5 words- Will Kill if Boyfriend harmed
Hobbies- Baking, Training, Working, Cuddling
Diet- I actually don't need to eat… But cookies and baked stuff is great!
Job- A Warrior for angels, currently just watching earth
Skills- Fighting, Sword Skills, Arson, Robbery
Favorite Place- My Apartment
Describe your ideal Partner:
** Physically in 2 words- Fluff Ball
** Personality in 5 words- Cute Adorable Stupid cuddly DumbA**
Fears- Vasilios Dying, Dying, Cookies going Extinct, Dinosaurs coming back
Favorite food- Cookies
Things you hate- Life, Death, Just people in general

Deleted user

(So then. whose character do we ship with who? Because im always up for a good juicy romance rp)

Deleted user

Name- Maeryn Fidelrow
Age- 21
Life Goals- Creating joy to all the boys and girls who adore magic!
Star sign- Sagittarius
Who are you- A magician who absolutely adores entertaining! Looking for a cute fella to sweep me off my feet
Status- Single and ready to mingle ;)
Song to Describe You- Simple Joys from Pippin
Describe yourself:
Freckled shorty. Loud, charming and a flirt ;)
Hobbies- Doing magic tricks, worshiping the devil, quirky things
Diet- Diet?!?! I can’t live without snacks!!!!!
Job- Magician/Entertainer
Skills- Card trick master
Favorite Place-
Describe your ideal Partner:
Tall hottie. Funny, kind and preferably dorky.
Fears- Crickets!!!!! Those things are SCARY
Favorite food- All food is good food don’t make me pick favs
Things you hate- Angels >:( And people who diss my guy Satan he’s the real G

@Becfromthedead group

Name- Aurelius Runesong
Age- 19
Life Goals- Finishing my mother's novel for her, becoming a renowned scholar on dragons
Star sign- Scorpio
Who are you- A young scholar who's just trying his best.
Status- Pan ace, single (for the sake of the profile; he ends up with a boyfriend in my story)
Song to Describe You- Fell on Black Days- Soundgarden
Describe yourself:
**Physically in 2 words- small, ghastly
**Personality in 5 words- intuitive, attentive, impulsive, thoughtful, emotional
Hobbies- Reading, writing, going on walks
Diet- Not picky, but I don't have a big appetite. I do have a strong affinity for sweets, though.
Job- Caregiver in the dragon nursery
Skills- Cooking, writing, and I'm a really good speed-reader. I'm also good at dragon care, and I've been assigned to take care of young dragons.
Favorite Place- The creek just outside the edge of my hometown. Or alternately my home, right next to the hearth.
Describe your ideal Partner:
**Physically in 2 words- don't care
**Personality in 5 words- level-headed, intelligent, courageous, gentle, funny
Fears- abandonment, blood and gore (kind of)
Favorite food- chocolate
Things you hate- sickeningly rich people who refuse to help less fortunate individuals, fighting,


Name- Emmie Lark Lane
Age- 15
Gender- Female
Life Goals- To Be Treated Like an Adult
Star sign- Virgo
Who are you- A Magician. Possibly A Killer. A Child
Status- Single
Song to Describe You- Disobedient (Feat. Kate Micucci & Michaela Dietz)
Describe yourself:
**Physically in 2 words- Tallest Elf (Not An Elf)
**Personality in 5 words- Loyal, Insecure, Impulsive, Truthful (But No One Beleaves Her), Neuroticism
Hobbies- Close up magic, Slight at hand, Cards, Oragami, Reading
Diet- Anything Mainly Microwaveable Food
Job- Works Wherever Whenever She Can
Skills- Really good at the card, magic, and sleight of hand tricks.
Favorite Place- Alone
Describe your ideal Partner:
**Physically in 2 words- Tall, Considerate
**Personality in 5 words- Trustworthy, Loyal, and Caring
Fears- Monophobia
Favorite food- Japanese Food & Chocolate
Things you hate- Adults. Bugs.

@Mojack group

Oh I’ve gotta use some characters for this

Name- Hana Valentová
Age- 153 years of age. Or 25. Don’t let it bother you too much.
Life Goals- Life? I mean, I haven’t been alive for a while, at least a century or more. So wouldn’t they be..dead goals? And I guess I don’t really have any.
Star sign- Star sign? What’s this?
Who are you- Died in the 1940s, back in 2068 and confused as hell. In otherwise, a zombie that could care less.
Status- Dead. Oh, you mean.. I’m female, died in the 1940s. Straight asexual, if I’m not mistaken.
Song to Describe You- Don’t know, I never listened to much music. I guess something short. No lyrics, maybe a bit eerie and peaceful. Not loud either.
Describe yourself:
*Physically in 2 words- Wounded, gaunt
**Personality in 5 words- Careless, disturbed, ‘oh’, and I don’t know.
Hobbies- Wandering, getting dragged into pointless wars - imagine my reaction when I died from a war, only to get revived and be told there was *another
one. That I had to fight in. I guess I enjoy sleeping.
Diet- Brains. Just kidding. Brains aren’t my favourite part of the body. I much prefer the legs and other organs like the heart and whatnot. We zombies have preferences, you know. We’re not all..that..savage.
Job- Unemployed. My former job no longer exists. Unless you count the war, then I guess freedom fighter. And honestly, I won’t admit it, but it can be nice. Sometimes
Skills- Shooting. I don’t really care about the effects of it anymore, like loss of hearing. I’ll heal from it all eventually, though some scars might stay for a while. I’m also good at tracking and negotiations. With my fellow zombies, of course. Humans are a different case.
Favorite Place- My grave. It’s like a warm bed for me.
Describe your ideal Partner:
**Physically in 2 words- I don’t really care that much, as long as he can put up with me.
**Personality in 5 words- Understanding, accepting. Loyal. Otherwise I don’t care.
Fears- I would’ve said death, know. So I think just being treated as a lesser being. Like an animal. One of my fears. I know lots of people who would love to have their personal zombie..
Favorite food- Meat.
Things you hate- Getting shot at. Those bullets don’t come out themselves, you know.

@saor_illust school

(Please note that everything on here is written as the personality of Max. "What does this mean??" means that he truly doesn't understand what it means.)

Name- Max (Do you really need my last name?)
Age- Hi yes, I'm only 15 aha?
Life Goals- -shrugs- I don't know.
Star sign- what's a star sign??
Who are you- (please don't think i'm flexing i swear i'm not) technically a child prodigy?? i'm not even in high school anymore aha
Status- what does this mean??
Song to Describe You- i don't really listen to music aha
Describe yourself:
**Physically in 2 words- skinny?? (does it have to be two words??)
**Personality in 5 words- introvert, definitely. oh hey, i'm a computer nerd/geek. that too
Hobbies- computer-ing, if that counts. math.
Diet- why do i even need to my diet here??
Job- uhhh i don't have one? heck, i don't even think i'm old enough to have one… but i haven't checked
Skills- computer/tech. and math, again.
Favorite Place- place? home i guess
Describe your ideal Partner:
**Physically in 2 words- why does it matter how someone looks on the outside?? it's the inside that counts, isn't it??
**Personality in 5 words- oh i totally want someone who's a big nerd like me… maybe? i don't even know what dumb idea possessed me to make this
Fears- …rejection, like all humans. being bullied… (tell me all about it, big time bullied in high school)
Favorite food- mac and cheese is the best. change my mind lol
Things you hate- dogs. especially if they're big. bad experience with them. i also don't like english classes, i'm not so good at those


((oh, fun. hope im not late.))

Name- Lovien Goveen
Age- 15
Life Goals- m9ss destruction.
Star sign- gemini.
Who are you- thhe best m9n you'll ever meet.
Status- i hh9ve a soon to be moir9il, but hhey, hhe9rts 9nd sp9des work.
Song to Describe You- the villain I appear to be - Connor Spiotto
Describe yourself:
**Physically in 2 words- few bruises.
**Personality in 5 words- guilty, but still committing crimes.
Hobbies- burning thhings, egging hhives, uno,
Diet- yes.
Job- ple9se hhire me, 9ll my interviews 9re de9d.
Skills- destruction, destruction, destruction, sports.
Favorite Place- my hhouse.
Describe your ideal Partner:
**Physically in 2 words-
**Personality in 5 words- thhe person whos re9ding thhis.
Fears- hh9, thh9t's funny.
Favorite food- 9nythhing not rotten.
Things you hate- everythhing thhere is to exist.


Name- Brink J Quinn
Age- 18
Life Goals- to die without dieting
Star sign- Vertigo
Who are you- your worst nightmare,
Status- Self-taught assassin but occasionally and freestyle psychopath
Song to Describe You- cradle - sub urban
Describe yourself:
**Physically in 2 words-
toothpick thin
**Personality in 5 words-
I am the chaotic fluff
Creating chaos and mayham, eating chocolate chip swirl icecream
Diet- none….why?
Job- messing with others?
Skills- knife throwing, acrobatics
Favorite Place- slinky factory
Describe your ideal Partner:
**Physically in 2 words-
thicker toothpick
**Personality in 5 words-
Just as chaotically fluffy
Arkham asylum
going sane
Favorite food-
gummy bears
goldfish (not pizza)
ice cream
Things you hate-

  • going sane
  • seeing the people he loves hurt

@Fangirl616 group

(So then. whose character do we ship with who? Because im always up for a good juicy romance rp)

(I'd be up for one- Idk if Zenith meets your characters type tho, he's not chubby and has green eyes- other than that he kinda fits??? If you don't count when he goes psycho… * cough * when his friends get hurt * cough *.)

Deleted user

(So then. whose character do we ship with who? Because im always up for a good juicy romance rp)

(I'd be up for one- Idk if Zenith meets your characters type tho, he's not chubby and has green eyes- other than that he kinda fits??? If you don't count when he goes psycho… * cough * when his friends get hurt * cough *.)

(I'm up for that. It's preference. Her second favorite eyes are green, and oh well. Skinny is chill)


Name- James Floyd Pittman

Age- 191 years old

Life Goals- My life goals are very vague and I'll probably work out and stay fit until my inevitable death

Star sign- Capricorn

Who are you- I was the sheriff of my hometown in Arizona until it burned down… and I was thrown 150 years into the future. I had a family, a beautiful wife and two kids. Just started teaching my boy how to hunt.


Song to Describe You- Lovely - Billie Eilish feat. Khalid
"But I know some day I'll make it out of here
Even if it takes all night or a hundred years
Need a place to hide, but I can't find one near
Wanna feel alive, outside I can fight my fear"

Describe yourself:
**Physically in 2 words- Big beard
**Personality in 5 words- Really depressed but I'll live

Hobbies- Crotchet, boxing, weightlifting, golf, running, knitting, building legos and puzzles… you know, I'm technically
too old for legos but whatever…

Diet- I think my diet is well rounded. I eat a lot of meats and greens and try my best to stay hydrated

Job- Unemployed

Skills- Anytime we play paper basketball I'll always win. I can also hunt and farm so we really wouldn't have to buy a lot of foods.

Favorite Place- I like being outside, preferable in a dark and quite place like the woods. Free from distractions.

Describe your ideal Partner:
**Physically in 2 words- Doesn't matter
**Personality in 5 words- Really sweet and also loving

Fears- I don't like getting close to people anymore out of fear of losing them… kind of contradictory to me making a dating profile but whatever

Favorite food- Steak by-far

Things you hate- A lot of things, really

Deleted user

Name- Jake Michelle Mathiesen

Age- 16
Life Goals- To have a singing career
Star sign- N/A
Who are you- Umm ig a living thing
Song to Describe You- IDontWannaBeYou-BIllie Eilish
Describe yourself: social butterfly that has shattered wings.
**Physically in 2 words- umm i don't exercise.
**Personality in 5 words- you'll find out…eventually
Hobbies- Singing, Dancing, drawing
Diet-Whats a diet?
Job- ummm Babysitter
Skills- Singing
Favorite Place- anywhere other than my home.
Describe your ideal Partner: Someone who is older than me, but doesn't want to control me entirely.
**Physically in 2 words- idc.
**Personality in 5 words- outgoing, kind, loving, sympathetic
Fears- Spiders, Clowns
Favorite food- Chinese
Things you hate- Hipo-crytes

@Fangirl616 group

(So then. whose character do we ship with who? Because im always up for a good juicy romance rp)

(I'd be up for one- Idk if Zenith meets your characters type tho, he's not chubby and has green eyes- other than that he kinda fits??? If you don't count when he goes psycho… * cough * when his friends get hurt * cough *.)

(I'm up for that. It's preference. Her second favorite eyes are green, and oh well. Skinny is chill)

(Cool! Wanna make a forum post or a PM?)

Deleted user

(So then. whose character do we ship with who? Because im always up for a good juicy romance rp)

(I'd be up for one- Idk if Zenith meets your characters type tho, he's not chubby and has green eyes- other than that he kinda fits??? If you don't count when he goes psycho… * cough * when his friends get hurt * cough *.)

(I'm up for that. It's preference. Her second favorite eyes are green, and oh well. Skinny is chill)

(Cool! Wanna make a forum post or a PM?)

(Forum. I'll go make one!)

@Fangirl616 group

(So then. whose character do we ship with who? Because im always up for a good juicy romance rp)

(I'd be up for one- Idk if Zenith meets your characters type tho, he's not chubby and has green eyes- other than that he kinda fits??? If you don't count when he goes psycho… * cough * when his friends get hurt * cough *.)

(I'm up for that. It's preference. Her second favorite eyes are green, and oh well. Skinny is chill)

(Cool! Wanna make a forum post or a PM?)

(Forum. I'll go make one!)

(Cool! Don't forget to tag me or send a link!)

Deleted user

(So then. whose character do we ship with who? Because im always up for a good juicy romance rp)

(I'd be up for one- Idk if Zenith meets your characters type tho, he's not chubby and has green eyes- other than that he kinda fits??? If you don't count when he goes psycho… * cough * when his friends get hurt * cough *.)

(I'm up for that. It's preference. Her second favorite eyes are green, and oh well. Skinny is chill)

(Cool! Wanna make a forum post or a PM?)

(Forum. I'll go make one!)

(Cool! Don't forget to tag me or send a link!)

(Can you tag me as well?)

Deleted user

(So then. whose character do we ship with who? Because im always up for a good juicy romance rp)

(I'd be up for one- Idk if Zenith meets your characters type tho, he's not chubby and has green eyes- other than that he kinda fits??? If you don't count when he goes psycho… * cough * when his friends get hurt * cough *.)

(I'm up for that. It's preference. Her second favorite eyes are green, and oh well. Skinny is chill)

(Cool! Wanna make a forum post or a PM?)

(Forum. I'll go make one!)

(Cool! Don't forget to tag me or send a link!)

(Can you tag me as well?)

(Jake it's sort of a 1 v 1 for this one, but we could do a separate one!)