forum What would your characters tell you, their creator?
Started by @I-make-stuff

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Blossom: JUST WHY!?!?!? You first make me get devoured by shadows, then you make everyone afraid of me!? "Walks off the page"
Sandy: "Smacks me and follows Blossom"
Jake: Ummmmmmm…Thanks for making me the only character with a good life? I guess? Anyways, bye. "Goes with everyone else"
Shadow Hunters: "Chasing after Blossom and Sandy" CHARGE!!!

@Toaster group

Angel: Wait, so my key came from someone else's character? Isn't that stealing?
Me: Not if that someone else is my dad and helped me make it.
Angel: True, true. What's his name?
Me: LoRd JoPpA!!!
Angel: ??? Why?
Me: /shrug/


Kirana: "You expect too much from me."

Ramira: "Why can I not live a tranquil life in the mountains?? I am not Kira! I DO NOT LIKE FIGHTING"

Sezia: "You, of all people, know how much that name vexes me."

Kualli: "Just tell me what the HELL you was thinking when you decided to literALLY LET ALIENS ABDUCT ME??"

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Sparta: So you're the culprit for this hell of a world.

Willow: . . .

Michael: HA! Sparta, you can now blame her for my insanity!!

Alvin: Umm . . . could you get rid of my wings?

Felix: I like this bitch. We're gonna be friends.


Doctor Riddle: May I just say, I am a fan of your work. You made this world exactly how I wanted it. Shakes my hand

Doctor Caspian: Ohhhh . . . so you're the reason I like Michael . . . I always wondered why I liked her.

Doctor Turn: Wait . . . this means that DOCTOR RIDDLE STILL LOVES ME!! You just made him kill me, it's not like he actually wanted to!

Doctor Riddle: Yeah, no, I actually wanted you dead.

@Shadow_Knight group

The Twins: Thank you for letting us be together.
Marco: Gives look of concern before hugging me
Aaron: Why am I here?
Mason: I'm here just to be gay, aren't I?
June: Can you make me forget everything past two years ago? Please.
Maddie: Can you make everyone happy? I want to see them get along again.
Discord and Karma: Please don't hurt Maddie.

Ava: Why am I here?
Vix: Why is Ava here?
Venia: Thank you for Ava and Vix, but could you please help them get along in the future.

Katie: Where is Nicki? I know she's not dead, so where is she?
Nicki: Why did you make me do those things? And please, don't let Katie get near me. I can't explain everything to her.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Jason: "I hate you for giving me such a horrible upbringing…. However, I can forgive this because you gave me Jane, the woman that I plan on asking to marry me…. And the powers that I'm learning to control, though scary, are awesome!"

Levi: "I think that these psychic visions you keep giving me are gonna kill me…."

Clownface: "Give me more victims; I'm having fun!"

George: "Y-you…. You gave me a 'son', let me get my vengeance, and had planned on having me go to Hell because of it!?

  • Me: "You're the one that sold your soul to a demon, sooooooo…. Yeah."

William: [Sulking.] "I miss Cale…"

  • Me: "Me too, William, me too…."
  • William: "Oh, and I have no complaints about you making me do all those things!"
  • Me: [Chuckles.] "You're a demon William; your kind takes pleasure from causing pain, destruction, bloodshed, death, and chaos, so I'm not surprised!"

((Note: They've been talking to me since I created them!))


Ahahahah I love this idea

Freddie: "Betsy, we know you're obsessed with Criminal Minds but that doesn't mean you can just make me a fucking serial killer."
Sadie: "What the fuck bro? Why do all of your characters have to get murdered or be murderers? And why am I the only fucking normal one? Not okay bro, you can't just kill everyone and leave me to suffer. At least I'm rich though, that makes it a bit better."
Talia: Just screeches at me.
Hi'ilei: "Just cause you're Hawaiian and know how to pronounce my name doesn't mean everyone can. Give me a better fucking name or people are gonna pronounce it hi-lye or some shit like that."
Bonnie: Hesitantly hugs me. "Fuck you but also thank you?"
Noah: "My only personality trait is that I'm gay. Just please finish developing me."
Mr. Goat Man: "I am literally the weirdest character you have ever written. How does that make you feel? Huh? What's it like being a normal person? Cause I have no idea. Imagine basing me off of a character you read in English class, oh wait you did."
Everett: Hits me with his skateboard. Stares coldly at me for a full minute. Does a kick flip and rides away.

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Some of my other characters:


Duxe: So you're the reason for the problems in this world!?! Oh my gods, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. Instant regret for blaming me for his problems although it's 100% my doing.

Tyler: Hey, thanks for keeping Colby safe when I died. She's okay thanks to you. Lovingly looks at Colby and makes me feel completely guilty for killing off his innocent character when Colby's and Tyler's romance was just starting to bloom.

Catiline: Huh…I always thought the gods were phonies. But seriously? You of all people and beings? You created this world? You did one hell of a job screwing with our lives.

Kandy: I…don't even know what to say. Starts crying. You killed Tyler. You made Duxe feel guilty for his father's death. You should suffer in Eramis!!

Hunter: Hugs Kandy and flips me off.

@LilMeme group

Asumi: So, is my dad alive or not, Also why do I have to be sacrificed to a group of yandere half-demons and speaking of which why do I have a harem of yanderes after me anyway
Me: Uhh… Gacha Logic?

Kage: Why did you make me the embodiment of depression and paired me up with the literal personification of hope? Oh and fuck you
Me: Gacha Logic

Eri: So what trope am I a deconstruction of
Me: Idk, I think you're an oneechan type minus the incest and add some yandere to the mix
Eri: Wait what you mean yan-

Collin: How did I join a two-person cult at age 11 and still have a pretty good connection with the outside world, and how am I gay and a misandrist at the same title
Me: Deconstruction Logic…?
Collin: That doesn't answer my question

Mikoto: So Ms. Writer, Why did you bring me you into existence perhaps to portray some great message like how society both shames and objectify teen girls whenever it serves them or the true value of beauty
Me: No you're just a Shinya ripoff
Mikoto: Oh I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up
(Don't worry she's all three)

Hanaki: Not to be rude, But how am I an embodiment of both Kindness and Envy, can I get better a better virtue like Diligence and why is my only reason for loving Asumi that he looks like my childhood friend who strung me along and got Nice Boated by her boyfriend, also why did you give me obnoxious neon green hair can I at least get nice brown hair
Me: First no, Hikari's the diligent one and second You're supposed to be conflicting with being a Nice Guy™ and a genuine Nice Guy
Hanaki: Wait what about my hair

Emiko: Can you hurry and decide on a backstory for me instead of changing in every time you can bother to get on this website which isn't much and can you stop neglecting us just to play that Sakura School Simulator game
Me: Umm…

Unzari: Do I have any personality other than horny
Me: Yeah, you're a doormat too

Kosuke: Well thanks for changing me from perverted sadist to obsessed mad scientist, kid
Me: No prob

Hikari: Well besides your abhorrent work ethic, Why did you base us off tired anime tropes, Is just another way to make things needlessly dark and symbolic, and why does my brother get more screen time than me despite being a lethargic, moody prick if just to make some insipid bad boy meet good boy yaoi mixed with a lame battle royale story mixed with yandere, and why I am supposed to be a cannibal and why are we based off the seven deadly sins do you just live off tropes
Me: (internally) That's harsh
Me: Ok simp
Hikari: Wait what did you just call me

Minato: So are me and Asumi gonna end up together
Me: You aren't going to stab me, are you
Minato: So that's no pulls out heisoku isn't it

Ran: Will my mental abuse of my daughter and adoptive son get Kosuke to notice me
Me: If he's a CPS agent

Makoto: I want a personality like my sister

Kotone: Am I dead or alive
Me: Yes

Kiiro: Why am I even relevant
Kiiro: Idk

Chie: Am I a character or plot device
Me: Yes

Dahlia: Just make sure my son breaks this stupid cursed

@Toaster group

Spune: Why am I here?
Me: You're the world overseer.
Spune: Why?
Me: Because I named the universe after you. SPOOOOON!!!!!
Spune: Spoon?
Me: No, you gotta say it like SPOOOOON!!!!! ok?
Spune: -_- r u serious

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All of them, collectively: Just fuck off, for like a minute

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Rachel: Why do I have the worst background story of all of them?


Cass: Thank you for making me so glorious. I'm amazing.
Teus: Why did you put us with him? And why'd you give me, a character who is supposed to be a mercenary, morals? Now I can't kill him without worsening my insomnia.
Amaya: Can I stab Cass yet?


Valerie: Okay, so what the fUCK happened to me. I was supposed to be the hero! Now I'm basically the antagonist and you don't want me to move on into the afterlife???? What the FUCK did I do to deserve this?? Me: IDK. I wrote you based off of Emily from Until Dawn and Heather Chandler. You tell me.

Alexis: Okay, I understand you needed me and Hannah to die, but did you need to kill me first?
Hannah: And did you need to have me cry over her corpse just to be killed too? Me: Everyone cried when I showed it to them. So…

Haydn: Why am I gay. Me: The people you're based off of are bisexual and it felt right. Okay, so why does the romantic tension between me and Andy have to end in bloodshed. Me: The pLOT DEMANDS IT

Madi, sobbing: Why do you hurt me this way? Me, also sobbing: IT MAKES FOR AN INTERESTING STORY

Nathan: So, why the fuck do I realize I love Madi after I die and she's in mortal danger? Me: Drama. Fine. Why did you make it so I couldn't follow her into the afterlife to be happy?? Me: dRAMA

Jeremy: Why do I exist? Me: I literally had a character representing each of the five guys except one and I had to right the wrong.


K, so I have a lot more characters that I didn’t make profiles for in here, so Imma just scoot ‘em in

Arabelle- (sobbing) I’m so angry with you!
August- huh. I’m dead before the story even begins. (Turns to the other characters) I’m a lucky one guys!
Bea- all you’ve got for me is that I’m a necromancer and an amateur therapist. Come on!
Charlie- you. YOU. HOW DARE YOU- (attacks me)
All my side characters- is it my turn to be developed yet, mother?

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All my side characters- is it my turn to be developed yet, mother?


August- huh. I’m dead before the story even begins. (Turns to the other characters) I’m a lucky one guys

That's like Carlos; one of my characters


Remy: let me go pls writing these stories is hard
Bard: fuck you and your foe yay
Elegance: Cum dumpster.
Clancy: where is my wife

@ccb group

Page: Well… thanks for making me hot, I guess.
Darcy: So what, you're the Mother Goddess? It's an honor to meet you, and I have several questions. Also, what the fuck is your problem?
August: I'm begging you to give me a happy ending.
Jesse: Can I at least be properly medicated?
Silas: Wow. Do you mind if I use you as a case study?


Zed and Kori: "Can you stop? That's really effed up"

Adelaide, Elizabeth, and Ashley: "Make up your mind woman!"

Rika: "So I noticed a flaw on page 12, and I think it would actually make more sense if you . . . "


Staff: You really need to organize and do your work instead of imagining us in hypotheticals. You were so close to failing history, I could smell it.
Hudson: You're doing a good job kid! But can I please have a puppy?
Cyrus: Hey, what if you just… died tomorrow?
Bailey: Can we have another musical number? Please?


Natalie, shoving the table aside and charging at me, very likely armed: "You mean to tell me this was all your fault? I plan to enjoy this."
Julianna, feet on the table, with some REAL intense eye contact: "Well, generally I liked it. There was that one part where the only person I've ever trusted betrayed me spectacularly, and you know, I had to kill her, but hey. Hey! Water under the f—— bridge, right?"
Clara, holding my hand: "I hated what you put me through. But if I'm being honest, it led me to the love of my life. I can't truly say thank you, but know that I'm close."
Bianca, standing over me, hands on the table: "Are you KIDDING me? I was just starting to heal! What the hell, man."
Monty, head in his hands: "So life… is scripted? My choices… did they…?"
Tesla, looking awkward: "Um… I don't really know what to say. Ending was good. My girlfriend's crazy sister kicked me off a roof one time. Are you doing okay?"
Nico, gripping the arms of his chair: "You gave me NOTHING!"
Diana, leaning far away: "Thanks a million for restoring my faith and all, but couldn't you have done that without destroying the rest of my life?"
Thalia, seemingly unfazed by the fact that pretty much everyone she loved ended up dead: "You really made me an absolute knockout, huh? Thanks, baby."
Lina, drawing a gun that was meant to be taken at the door: "This is for everything, asshole."
Peter, tapping the table, probably poisoned my water two minutes ago: "Oh, Jesus, you gave me a BODY COUNT! Both kinds. It was stellar, babydoll, just interstellar. Loved it. Every part. Seriously! I promise. I do!"


P-chi: coo,cool, but uhhh we cant punch clouds
Colada: honestly im only here for p-chi's sweet fighting action ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°) d̶r̶a̶w̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶u̶n̶d̶e̶r̶v̶i̶e̶w̶ ̶s̶h̶o̶t̶s̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶p̶l̶e̶a̶s̶e̶
Navy: uwaaa! i wanna open my eyessssss.. :'(
Cherry: my FISTS are bigger than your BRAIN….

Deleted user

Everyone except Azrael, Vozreal and Allison: Fuck you.
Vozreal: Thanks for the powers lad!
Azrael: Thanks.
Allison: thanks for making me the most beautiful characters in the book thats at least part human.


Dakota: "Hahahahahaha I guess I know who I need to kill."
Rig: "…Really? I mean…I guess I can't complain too much, but I think Cama and Domin would have some strong words for you if they weren't, you know, burned to a crisp in whale fat. I can never eat fried food again, I hope you're happy with yourself."
Carnage: screams "AGGATHI!!!!" cowers in fear as I try desperately to reassure him I'm not his evil made up goddess.
Ram: "Oh, so you're the reason my top secret infiltration mission turned into a bad re-write of Lin Manuel-Miranda's cousins. Thanks for that. And every thing else."
Itha: Opens mouth to speak. Shuts it again. Opens it again, stops and looks confused, finally settling on "I have complains with you."
Titan: Gives me a hug because Payton taught him that people who hurt others are hurting, and need love, not hate and violence.