forum What would your character drop when killed
Started by @NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

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@trainwreck404 group

Simon: several rings, including their nose ring (because they're a speedster, so they're basically Sonic)
CJ: their claw gauntlet
Logan: a scary amount of thumbtacks
Dean: his favorite gun and a mixtape
Henry: a whole sunflower

Madeline: a box of poisoned conversation hearts
Ava: her bow and a couple of magic arrows
Peter: his guitar
James: a mirror & some fancy pens
Xavier: a knife

@sheabutter group

Ali: gears and ship parts. the rarity drop would be his gun
Lybra: knives
Robin: earrings
Elidi: medical supplies, like bandages or medicine
Maggie: his bounty, so probably plenty of jewelry

@Classic_Insanity13 group

Echo: A big book, her change, and a drawing of Aster
Aster: SHE HAS A DRAWING OF ME!!?? Drops bag of weapons and cool stuff he doesn't know how to use
Draiden: groans It's sentimental, nothing more! You're still the idiot that Betrayed her and tried to KILL her! Drops sword, stolen change, and purple rock that Echo gave him when they were on that creepy beach thing, and starts chasing Aster
Echo: Wait you still have that!? Hastily grabs rock and stuffs it in her pocket
Raje: Axe, coins
Livvy: drops nothing Haha suckers, it's called rope!
Yara: Sock

@squiddicus language

Blaze: A sword
Riyah: Healing potions and a poncho
Qili: Various tools, a few rocks, a screwdriver
Ceryn: A book and quill
Nova: A microphone and probably an entire dance mat
Eve: Bones

@sock group

Thala: Black face mask, ship in a bottle, gold earring
Eli: Herbal plants tied into clumps, several feathers, crystal pendant necklace
Alexi: Crossbow, enchanted bracelet, money pouch
Aster: worn money pouch, set of black keys, empty lantern
Auran: Journal, set of blue gem earrings, black feather
Theo: Sword, blue scarf, gold earring
Mito: Variety of rings, lute, dark green cloak