So I need y'all to help keep me awake? I've been awake for nearly 2 days now. Laughs at the empty void that is also my brain I only need to stay awake for 9 more hours. So tell me the stupidest thing your character has done. Or anything about your character, really. Please and thank you uwu
My character Abarat has (on several occasions) freaking stabbed himself because his plant died.
My characters have existed that's what they've done
Daniel has gotten back together with his abusive ex thinking he would change
Angela believes that the stupidest thing she has done was leaving Dom but I think that her stupidest move was going to France on, well, let's call it a business trip. Bad things happened there.
Jake picks fights when he's drunk and he got shanked once because he thought he could win with a sharp metal bottle cap
Vicente threw a gallon of gasoline on a burning hut because he thought it was water
Tanis ate a full bar of soap thinking it was candy
Kyoko put ramen noodles in the microwave without water
Vicente threw a gallon of gasoline on a burning hut because he thought it was water
My boi, Prince Lucian, literally did the same thing but with a different flame causing agent.
And actually it was onto his baefriend, Onyx, instead of a hut. They were fine tho.
Also, Daylight kissed his brother thinking he was Lucian at the time… It got kinda weird. Especially since, ya know, Lucian was and still is canonically dating Onyx at the time. Daylight is the type of person who gets very active about his crushes.
Draco sleeping with Veronica
Brie coming out as a Be More Chill fan. Yes, this seriously happened, and she prioritized that over coming out as asexual. Not out of fear, she was in a very accepting environment, but just because… she's an idiot.
Jake jumped off of a building because his friends dared him to, he was fine tho, they just wanted to see how far he would go with the dares (Jake totally freaked them out when he stepped off)
Brie coming out as a Be More Chill fan. Yes, this seriously happened, and she prioritized that over coming out as asexual. Not out of fear, she was in a very accepting environment, but just because… she's an idiot.
Honestly around my friends I'm more awkward telling them about what I'm interested in than my sexuality lmao
I feel you on so many levels, Jynnie. SO. MANY. LEVELS.
when selorm put laundry detergent in the dishwasher
when selorm put laundry detergent in the dishwasher
ngl man, this is exactly what my mom and grandma were doing when my dad dropped by to propose
Sparrow fell off a hill into a 5 ft pile of snow