forum Religions?
Started by @Rainy_day_artist_classic group

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@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

So I'm honestly just curious at how many different ones there are, and I'm looking for something for some of my characters. If you could share your religions, and/or a little bit about what it's like that'd be great!

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Well obviously there's christianity,
though there're several different versions of it.
The Basis is the belief that there is one God, who created the universe and everything in it, and when Adam and Eve, (The first humans) sinned, it brought darkness into the world. They also believe that God sent his one and only son Jesus the Messiah (One of the many terms) to redeem humanity by dying on the cross, and that by believing in him we can be saved.
(I say they, because I am personally still figuring it out, though I have been raised in a christian home and my mom is strongly christian.)
If you have anyquestions on bible stories and such I can probably answer? I've been doing bible studies since kindergarten so I can say I'm decently familiar.


I really love Quaker, or the Religious Society of Friends, which is generally a practice of Christianity. I'm not currently an active Quaker, but from what I've learned they meet at the house of one of the members (it is a meeting, not a ceremony like Catholicism tends to be), and meetings can be called at any time. They sit in a circle, and all at the same level, so that everyone in the group is equal. It's an incredibly accepting community, as they believe that God's Light is in every person. They are pacifists, and have historically been strong advocates for equality for all races, genders, and sexualities. They try to live their lives in the spirit of love, truth, and peace. And yeah, I like that way of practicing religion, so… here. It's not a good description, so if you end up being interested, I'd do more research yourself lol


I can give a list of common religions, but I don't know much about them - you would have to research.

  • Christianity
  • Islam
  • Hinduism
  • Judaism
  • Sikhism
  • Buddhism
  • Paganism
  • Atheism
    Of course, there are many different ways to worship throughout these religions, and different types of each religion (sub-religions?), but if you're interested, check out some I've listed.

@Torpion language

There's an estimated 4,200 religions recorded today, so there's plenty to choose from- If you're looking for a religion for your characters, I'd recommend finding a religion that would suit their personality, career, and lifestyle. Like for example- A scientist or philosopher would be less likely to be a Christian as compared to a florist. So basically, their beliefs should line up with their actions! (Unless their faith in their religion is loose- In which case, you could probably use that as a diving board into some story drama 👀)

Some interesting religions to give you ideas:
Abrahamic Religion
Shakers (This one's extinct, but it's still interesting)
Quakers (Not the same as Amish, tho they get mixed up sometimes)

Remember: It's important to find reliable sources for your research, as many religions are misunderstood. Most of them have an official webpage and/or social media platform that's a good source of information. If you want to have your character actively in church during your story, some churches livestream their meetings and you'd be able to see how the meeting works and what exactly happens.

wow thats a lot of text, whoops

@Becfromthedead group

Also I might be able to link you to some interesting reads about some Abrahamic Religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Baha’i), since I took a class on those this semester and my professor linked us to some internet sources.