forum Meeting your Creations.
Started by @Cackla-the-Phantasma group

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@Cackla-the-Phantasma group

I suppose I should explain what this is, and what it means.

So. If by some strange happenstance you met your characters, what would you do? What would you say to them? Would you punch them in the face or give them a hug?

Would they love you or would they hate you?

That sort of stuff.

@Cackla-the-Phantasma group

Guess I should go first. Fair warning. Some parts get intense. The most spicy of which have been spoilered for convenience.

If I were to meet any of my characters in the flesh (Or metal I guess), my response would probably be the same for all of them.

I’m sorry.

I’m so sorry for willing you into existence when you had no say in if you wanted to be born to a terrible life.

Why should I blame you for your flaws. Warts and all? I made you that way for some silly word document that only a few people will probably see.

So. Time to finish this.
To answer the prompt I’ve created, I’d probably hug all of my characters.

Sure some may not “deserve it”. Some may not even want a hug. But I’ll still do it. For the large handful that want a hug.

The large handful that need a hug.

@aekv group

for one, i'd be pretty freaked out, especially because that means i either manifested them into reality or was somehow able to describe their characteristics with such accuracy.

but uhh, my rambling aside, i think your first reaction of wanting to apologize to your characters is a good one.

it's an interesting thought, that in an effort to make myself feel better through writing, i created whole entire worlds that are full of just as much (and more) hardships that are in mine.

really hoping none of my characters random come to life now haha

@Cackla-the-Phantasma group

for one, i'd be pretty freaked out, especially because that means i either manifested them into reality or was somehow able to describe their characteristics with such accuracy.

but uhh, my rambling aside, i think your first reaction of wanting to apologize to your characters is a good one.

it's an interesting thought, that in an effort to make myself feel better through writing, i created whole entire worlds that are full of just as much (and more) hardships that are in mine.

really hoping none of my characters random come to life now haha

Yeah.. Guess I somehow forgot how ludicrous this actually happening is.
I suppose that if Schrodinger was correct, maybe an infinite amount of possibilities could lead to our characters existing? Idk, or I'm just thinking way too hard on a scenario so like and unlike our world at the same time. Then again, I guess that's how I fell in love with writing in the first place.

Guess my philosophy of perfection in flaws in regards to the world and character design has one caveat: guilt.

On that note, I pretty much always have at least one brain cell devoted to hoping that my characters don't exist, however miniscule the odds are.
Frankly, it's the same reason why I sometimes wish I was never born (Not in an active way of course).
I wouldn't be afraid of nothingness if I remained as nothingness. Blissfully unaware.
Instead, I exist. I feel compelled to spill out as much of my mind as possible before it finally fades away to the nothing from which it came.

If I could show any shred of mercy in this cruel world, then it would be to not unwittingly create somebody that needs it.

Sorry for this PSA about my existential OCD or whatever you call this, but I suppose that's that. Can't keep it in for much longer.

@aekv group

no needs to apologize, though that was poetic as hell. i guess the only thing i can ask is, do you enjoy writing? cause i know i do, even if it also drives me bonkers ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯

@Cackla-the-Phantasma group

no needs to apologize, though that was poetic as hell. i guess the only thing i can ask is, do you enjoy writing? cause i know i do, even if it also drives me bonkers ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯

Yeah. I guess it would be a severe understatement to say I enjoy writing.

Feels like I’m not a mere human of flesh and blood. I’m just a collection of ideas. Adapting and evolving whilst having a core that remains the same. A catalogue of crazy ideas tied to a body of bone and veins. The body may go, but the ideas will remain. Even if only for a few moments more.


Well, Alex is my guy. He's older than dirt (literally) and hasn't felt any type of love. Ever. Anyone who's anyone would love to hug him. He'd need it.


Oh, and he's seen every incident known to man. He's seen wars, battles, plagues… he really needs a hug.

@another_Sarcastic_writer group

To Savannah:
You were my first true oc. My first escape into my imagination. Something a little girl who was bored created to keep herself entertained. As I grew, so did you. As I got more complex, you did as well. When I first created you, I took qualities from myself that I actually liked and qualities that I wish I had to make you. I guess you could say you were my ideal self. You are strong, beautiful, smart, badass, and independent. Everything I've ever wanted to be. I had to give you flaws, flaws that I couldn't help but take from my own life or experiences. Sure the conflicts you faced were nowhere near my life, but there were aspects of it hidden in there. You gave me a way to deal with my issues and find ways to cope.

I'm sorry for everything I've thrown at you. I would give you the tightest hug I could muster even though we both aren't huggers. You might not feel as though you are a good person or someone who is worthy of being a role model, but you have and always will be my superhero. There is nothing that will ever take away that from me. To this day, even though I have more characters now, you still hold an extremely soft and close place in my heart.