These are all great websites that might help:
English and French surname generator for fantasy type characters like Truthseeker, Blazewillow, Runeswift or Polaveron, Abolle, Échefort
First names and surname generator for male and female Japanese characters like Sakata Takayuki, Matsutoya Eizo, Mikami Shunsuke (male) or Okita Are, Sako Kayoko, Homura Emio (female). Theses are presented with the surname first and first name second.
Website that shows the meaning alongside the name. It also lets you filter masculine, feminine and unisex names, and surnames. This link is specifically for Japanese names, but you can find names from any country in the world, and even from specific periods in time or different mythologies (Lithuanian, Persian mythology, Biblical Latin, Ancient Greek, etc).
Seriously useful website. You can find male, female and unisex names, and also filter the search to only have names starting with a certain letter. This website is probably one of the best for Japanese name meanings, as when you click on a name it will show you all the different name meanings and Kanji combinations it could have, even the rare ones which you won't be able to find on other sites. I HIGHLY recommend this one for Japanese names.
A Japanese-English dictionary that helps to find words, kanji, example sentences etc quickly and easily. I use this site a lot when I am researching Japanese names and want to find the meaning of a certain kanji without relying on google translate.
This is the main website which a couple of the above links are from. This is such a useful website with over 1200 name generators to use. It not only has name generators for fantasy and real names for people, but also for places (dungeons, schools, hospitals, brewery names, etc), popular culture names (OC names for works like Harry Potter, Pokemon, etc), description generators (Alien races, ghost towns, prophecies), and other names (graffiti tags, music band names, diseases, artwork titles, etc).
Hope these are alright!