forum How do you think of nicknames for your characters?
Started by @MojoRobo

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I have a character in my story, named Galatea, who I'm trying to think of a nickname for. How do you guys usually go about thinking of in-universe nicknames for your characters who have them?


I just think of their name and then choose the thing that comes after it, Kameo=Chameleon. Of course, I also choose what makes sense and is easy to say, Tae-Min=Tay. I also just shorten their names, Mariko=Mari.


I am also all pro for no nicknames at all, hehe. Sometimes I feel like it's overdone. But yeah, either shorten their name or give them an inside joke name based on something funny they do or a time they totally embarrassed themselves. :P Or just something that is constantly with them. A boy who is tiny could be called Peanut. A girl with the last name Chubbs could be called Chubbs cuz her friends think it's funny. A man who always wears a bandaid at any point in time could be referred to as Bandaid Boy.


Something that a characteristic of them. I have a red headed character and all of his friends call him Lucifer becuase of the red head joke. (Red heads don't have souls and for every freckle is a stolen soul.) Since his names is Lucas which is sort of simular to Lucifer then, boda bing boda boom you got a nickname.

@lafaithreine group

Yea, for my nicknames I usually just shorten their names like Kylie to Kyle, Ky, Lee, or watever, and most of my characters have like seven nicknames so yea.


Most of mine are just shortened versions of their names but I have this one character named Gianna Georgianna Gabriella Grace and her (in universe) nickname USED to be Gia but then there was an incident with a goose and now everyone calls her Goose. And there's another character named Richmond who is mostly just shortened to Rich but there's this one guy on the team who has a rivalry with who calls him Dick bc,,, you know,,,, Richmond, Richard. Same difference.


I take the letters of the name and mix them up to make a much shorter version of the name, if it's long. If it's not long, then you can use objects or animals for the name that best suits that character.