forum How do you answer "Conditions"?
Started by Kingmomo

people_alt 93 followers

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Basically anything that can fall under mental and/or physical ailments/illnesses/conditions/etc. It also doesn’t have to be negative stuff, it could just be goofy genetic quirks. So, for example, it could be anything from something simple like~
Character is frail and gets sick a lot

To something odd and goofy~
Heterochromia and Albinism with a pinch of Healing Potion Addiction and a penchant for Kleptomania

To something darker~
PTSD with an unknown and severe anxiety disorder

To something just outright outlandish in a way only the writer understands lol~
Psychotic Chicken Device Disorder with a case of Hentaliminism (whatever that is…)

Hope this helps!