forum give me ur character memes
Started by @The_Painted_Wings groupDMs open!

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Cammy is basically a chaos god trapped in a mortal body(fits her personality)

And Babe is a sweetheart who really doesn't deserve any of the shit I'm putting her through


Character development! She's gotta realize that she's important and that she doesn't need to be popular to be loved! I also need her to fuck Declan up

@Knight-Shives group

Is a Vampire. Decides to go out with oldest friend to a fancy Italian restaurant. Knows it's not a date. Everyone knows it isn't a date. Eats garlic bread in hopes of a reaction. Nothing happens.


Leo: Babe, we can't keep going on like this.
Isabella: What do you mean?
Leo: It isn't healthy.
Isabella: What? Do? You? Mean????
Leo: You've been playing that thing for hours now. We have a world to protect! The people of Haven look up to us!
Isabella: angry kazoo noises