forum give me ur character memes
Started by @The_Painted_Wings groupDMs open!

people_alt 91 followers

@The_Painted_Wings groupDMs open!

Loch's recent search history:
What do after acquire girlfriend
Am I the gay?
Are it good to like girls??
Why do people think dragons have boobs?
What is the "cheese"?
Help I'm stuck in rainforest

@The_Painted_Wings groupDMs open!

A sequel; Gloam's recent search history
Gots five new friends today, what do they like?
What is scool and why freind want me there
Does gay hurt people??
Does it hurt people??
What is gay
Female ferind liek me?
Why does my friends face turn red when see me?????
What a chiken?
I made anew freinds
How properly drag unconscious person to safety
How properly drag unconscious person
Nevermind their a live
How to identify cause of dead
I found dead person???
Booping snakes
Booping cats

@Mojack group

Entribum: h
Ralak: big tentacle energy

Demonic space entity: exists

What Ateris's search history would look like:
woke up on weird planet??
wat big creature
why does killing feel good
why am so tired
very tired why
why i exist
why i fall asleep for thousands years?
who this
who these bags of flesh
naked monkeys invade territory
how do i eliminate pests
how eliminate bags of flesh
is killing wrong
why are creatures scared of me
why did creatures chase me with pitchfork
why do i keep getting ti
why do i keep falling asleep
strange visions in head??
why is everything so advanced
why do i exist


Cammy's search history:

how to show archnemesis i hate him
do aliens exist?
why is there a large robot in a cave near my school
what causes glowing blue marks on face?
alien pickup lines
how to get an alien princess to notice you
can i hug little aliens???
how to pretend you dont remember your archnemesis cradling you while ur injured
how to support trans child?
signs of hauntings????
why does my heart flutter when i see my archnemesis
how to tell you have a crush
where can i buy chili powder in space
how to ignore you have a crush
my best friend is in love with an alien help
how to get over fear of being underground to save planet of people who live underground
how to kill huge ass robot/alien/??
how to throw self off cliff in a low gravity zone


Isabella's search history:

how much caffeine can a human consume without dying instantly???
how to make coherent sentences because my life depends on it
fruit salad 10 hour loop
how to tell if you're dreaming or high off of paint fumes
am i dead????
reasons why mysterious hooded men are dangerous and should not be trusted
is inter-dimensional travel a normal thing?
should i trust the space grandma????
so i trusted the space grandma and now i hear voices….bad idea????
how to tell your childhood friends to shut the fuck up
how to get over your fear of tall people
hood man is a dork???? and lowkey hot??????? should i still not trust him??????
cool swords
very cool swords
how to actually use a sword without losing a limb and making hood man laugh at you
how to not be emotionally constipated
demon alien things want to steal hood man but we're bros now so should i kill them?
puns that make people cry
memes relevant in this timeline
how to kiss hood man (asking for a friend)
how to tell your boyfriend that he can't give you a cat every time we go on a date
how to save the multiverse instead of watching stupid movies


Whatever it is you're writing, man, I want a hit.

Right now it's an unorganized mess that is in desperate need of editing, but the bones are good. Maybe if I did actual writing instead of making stupid memes it would actually be gOOd but aaaAAAAHhhh