okay just tell me the first 2 facts about yourself that come to mind. nothing deep, just skim the surface of you brain. i'll go first:
- i really love cinnamon a whole awful lot
- i drink lots of water in a day, mostly as a hobby
again plz don't dig deep. thx baby <3 cheers
Aight! I got this.
1.) I love cats. (Duh. Fuzzy little f*cks are adorable as hell.)
2.) I can roll my r's.
Bombay cats are my favorite cat
I love danishes
I'm a barista with a (definitely healthy!) obsession with coffee.
I am a jack of all trades when it comes to artistic stuff- I do fabric arts like knitting, crochet, and embroidery, digital drawing, painting, jewelry making, and also music (piano, ukulele, and singing). I also have a knack for interior design
Bad grammar and spelling really, REALLY annoys me
I am in love with the glorious animals that are octopodes (which is teh correct name for a group or plural of octopus. Octopi is not correct, or not as correct)
I have a love for all shades of purple and blue
I love mythology and folklore
I like speaking to my friends in (Kinda bad) French to confuse them
I have a deep love for music. It influences most of my writing other than mythology
I know how to play il vento d'oro on both the piano and bass
My favorite caprisun flavor is Roarin' Waters Tropical Tide
I like telling jokes about how I dont have a mom :')
I really do live in my own head, i find most comfort in reading (because of the imagination part) and my own daydreams <3
Dogs are my favorite animal
I've been playing an instrument for nine years
I played the clarinet for three years
I honestly hate olives :(
I like to eat uncooked pasta
and also bite wood
I have a pet
I like climbing - all sorts of things, really
i'm great at falling in love with unattainable people
i'm a people pleaser
I hate tomatoes.
I wish I had better skin