@Cadeverek group
L O A D I N G . . .
> Execute "CharacterScienceFair.exe" file?
> Y / N
> Y / N
> Extracting files...
> L O A D I N G . . .
> README.txt
Hello people of Notebook.ai! I have a really neat idea for those forums, I think it'll be pretty fun but I need at least a few people to do it, since it'll require feedback and it'll be timed, at least ideally. If very few people (or no one at all) want to participate, I'll just delete the topic, lock it in my memory and pretent it never happened at all :''). Without further ado…
> INTRO.pdf
The Character Science Fair is some sort of "event" just to provide us some feedback! Basically, the essence of the challenge is someone (one user at a time) will make all their characters' profiles public for 24 hours (now you see why it was timed? and why only one user at a time?). During these 24H, everyone else is free to look at their OCs' profiles, and leave feedback for the creator!
And "why science fair???", I can hear you furiously typing! Well, because it'll be like an online science fair stand, where your characters are your project, and everyone is free to take a look and tell you their thoughts! Therefore, it'll be better if it's timed, since it'll be hard to control if everyone makes everything public at once, 24H won't be enough for so much content and feedback will be all mixed for several different users, it'll just be way too messy.
Anyway, tell me what you guys think of this event! If y'all want to do this and it works, we can do the same with other page types (preferably only Characters, Items, Locations and Universes, since not everyone is a premium user).
> RULES.docx
- If you want to participate, PLEASE STATE WHEN YOU WANT YOUR 24H TO START. Remember, only one person at a day, so if you wanna participate, leave a warning first!! Otherwise you might not get much feedback because there was too much content summing up you and other user(s). Not even to mention the chaotic feedback replies to so many people. Yikes.
- You're welcome to be just an observer! You don't have to participate to leave feedback, so feel free to stop by even if you don't want to unprivate your profiles. Any feedback is feedback!
- Feedback will always be in this thread/discussion, but please, for the love of God, TAG THE USER/CREATOR in your reply!
- Keep the feedback professional. No personal grudges, no straight-out offensive content, no non-constructive criticism. Keep it clean.
- Both positive and negative feedback is allowed. It's actually even ideal to leave constructive criticism, unless the user clearly states they don't want any negative feedback, or you just really love their work that much. This is supposed to help us improve our characters, so an all-fluff approach isn't quite ideal, but I know some people are just more sensitive so if that's your case, make it clear. The default is positive and negative feedback. Again, remember the previous rule, if it's not constructive, just don't say it.
- Don't forget to make all your characters public! Yes all! This includes the incomplete profiles, the spelling errors, all the little rough around the edges pages in there, that's the fun! :D I myself have many incomplete OC pages (…….. ok, most of the pages are), so that's the cool part, seeing all the little works in progress and getting feedback on them. That's actually how I had this idea, all the profiles we share in the forums are either our favorites or the crispy clean ones, so now why not see the behind the scenes?
- The 24H start the day you stated, but first, you need to unprivate your profile and then all your characters' as well. THEN the clock starts ticking, so keep that in mind you should have that public before the set time. You don't craft your posters and assemble your cubicle during the science fair event, after all!
- The timezone will be GMT (Greenwhich Mean Time), since it's the standard. Just type "GMT [your country name]" and you'll find yours, mine is GMT-3, so if I start at 12PM GMT, It's actually 9 AM where I live. If you live, for example, in New Zealand, and you wanna start at 10AM, you'll write 10PM GMT. Here's a site where you guys can convert pretty quickly: https://greenwichmeantime.com/time-gadgets/time-zone-converter/
To join in, copy and paste this template, and put all the info needed. Then just let people read and leave their feedback!
Username: @YourUsernameOnNotebook.aiGoesHere
Trigger Warnings: if present, state them here.
Day: DD, Month YYYY (Some folks like me use DD/MM/YYYY, while some use MM/DD/YYYY. To avoid confusion, put the day number and write the month down instead of the number.)
Start Time: HH:MM (end time is the same but the next day, so no need to write the end time!)
If you don't want negative feedback, state it in the end. I didn't put in the template because as I said, the default is both fluff and tough love.
Yeah, that's it! I hope y'all get as hyped for this as I am :D
I think it'll be a nice way to both get feedback and have a look in people's OC backstage, and that's basically it. [Insert a lenghy and very touching conclusion here]
@Wykie • February 15th • 12PM GMT (Noon GMT)
@Ariavaana • February 16th • 3PM GMT
@threesacult • February 17th • 2PM GMT
@bleh • February 19th • 4PM GMT
@Never-Forget • February 23 • 9PM GMT
@Darkblossom • February 21st • 8AM GMT