forum Can people give me random information so I can make a weird character.
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people_alt 58 followers

I want to make a character but I want other people to tell me stuff. For example just tell me one thing like there name or hair color or even there pets . Thank you for the help I can’t wait to see how she turns out!!


They always have to know where the closest exit is when in a building. Paranoid about getting trapped somewhere


As of now, her hair is dark brown fading to a light blue, but it'll change soon. Her eyes are also blue, but you never knows since she has a multitude of colored contacts
Sometimes she completely changes herself (since she's really good @ disguises and makeup) into a stranger, where she practically roleplays and becomes popular, only to disappear again.


listens to the same song every single night in order to fall asleep. not that it works, but they do it nonetheless


Goes into every situation like "it will turn out fine" and it totally DOES NOT turn out fine.

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Lives in a giant mansion but is broke all the time. Fantasizes about one day owning their own fusion restaurant for a bizarre mix of foods. Is always, always, always be chewing mint gum. Wears only purple socks. Has a large collection of hats. Has a handlebar moustache. Slips into a British accent when nervous. Eyebrows twitch when irritated. Gets snappish when worried/concentrating. Is very particular about what chairs they sit on. Hates sister but buys her very expensive things all the time. Hates cardigans with a passion. Is very dramatic about anything and everything. Is very superstitious. Has a large spice collection. Has a large collection of their mother's Korean dramas filling an entire bookshelf but they are never watched. Loves making very strong and complicated mixed drinks but not drinking them. Is very educated. Can speak four different languages. Their father left when they were three, just after their younger sister Martha was born.