forum Any personality types anyone wants to share? Still totally open for more!
Started by @Rainy_day_artist_classic group

people_alt 69 followers


What exactly do you mean by that? Like, Meyers-Briggs personality types? Or just an overall personality for your character?

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

What exactly do you mean by that? Like, Meyers-Briggs personality types? Or just an overall personality for your character?

Hey sorry for not making this clear, I meant Overall personality for my character, I'm looking for something unique if you have any ideas!

@Torpion language

Okay- I have like, 873552788347627893847543 tropes that I love- here I'll just list em haha

  • Aggressive, angsty and rage-filled but also like, four feet tall
  • Gentle, soothing and calming person that's really smart. Probably drinks herbal teas.
  • Happy go-lucky, upbeat kinda person- Relentlessly optimistic and 291863% oblivious to jokes and metaphors
  • Hot comical relief with a self esteem level of -38626 and sleep cycle so messed up the only thing that keeps them alive is coffee and memes
    (Bonus points if the comical relief has a messy family situation)
  • Quiet, stoic, serious tough guy that's actually super sweet and protective once you get to know them
  • Naive lil' idiot that gets themself into so much trouble, the only thing keeping them alive is their friends and spite
  • The nervous, shy kid with anxiety that everybody treats like the precious cinnamon roll they are (Bonus points if Shy Kid tries to be all tough but then also stays up all night staring fearfully at the curtain that looks vaguely like a shadow-demon standing in the corner.)

Alright, those are my favorites! I hope they were what you meant, haha- If you need any help, Pinterest is a great place too look for ideas! (It's also super distracting tho, oof XD) Happy writing!


Mine is "Asshole, but the asshole that knows what he's doing and really is the smartest guy in the room, so no one can really bring themselves to utterly hate them."


Mine is "Asshole, but the asshole that knows what he's doing and really is the smartest guy in the room, so no one can really bring themselves to utterly hate them."


@saor_illust school

Hey, you want a unique personality type? I'm sure no one else is unlucky enough to have mine, I basically will only go with the flow and basically never say a word about fairness, ect. which is why I have naturally attracted a lot of toxic friendships.


Personally I'm a big fan of "dumbass with a heart of gold, literally has no idea what they're doing but they have a steel-set sense of honor and will follow their loved ones to the end of the earth".
I also quite like "emotionally constipated leader of the group who survives solely on coffee, redbull, and snark".

queenie 🤪

My personal favorite is my character who's completely insane. An actual mental case, but at the same time super loveable. Even if there's something dark and twisted inside of her.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Doesn’t think themselves good with people and is super awkward and has a hard time understanding people and jokes go way over their head but is actually super caring if they’re the oldest in a room of kids or anyone who just needs someone to listen.

@HighPockets group

Mine is "Asshole, but the asshole that knows what he's doing and really is the smartest guy in the room, so no one can really bring themselves to utterly hate them."

Did you mean
Alexander Hamilton