forum Welcome to chaos, everyone 2: Electric Boogaloo. //REBOOT// Open bc literally only three people are active
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Salmook: flashes a slight smile at Tseth before turning back to Resh "A… few friends? If- if you don't mind me asking… how many?"

Resh: shrugs “Not a lot. Just two or three.”

Deleted user

Liz: falls into the chat

Bee: falls on top of liz OW HOLY FUCK-

Juni: looks at Bee and Liz “Oh- more people-“

Deleted user

(Also did any of y’all read the starting post bc I changed a few things 💀)

Deleted user

Juni: looks over to the hole leading to a forest “Well, it could lead to a way back home…”

Resh: looks at Juni “If we want to venture out there, I say someone goes first to check for danger. And by ‘someone,’ I mean me.”

Deleted user

Resh: sighs and stands up, walking over to the hole, nudging Alex aside, and following Tseth into the forest “Or just completely ignore me and run into an unknown forest that could hold creatures that wouldn’t hesitate to murder you.”

Juni: immediately runs after Resh “Wait—“