forum Oc roleplay with your host dani
Started by Dani Jean McGhee

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@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Phalakros) “I can relate.”

(Lucitius) His eyes narrow in thought.
“I suspect illusion. Too many times have I seen this trick.”

(Phalakros) “He could be nothing more than a frightened child.” His words were a bit shaky and Phalakros backed up, putting Lucitius between himself and the child.

(Lucitius) He snorted. “You are a frightened child, Phalakros. Aye, sometimes appearance can be simple, yet I doubt this is one of those.”

@Dragoncita group

Deimos: Turns his hidden gaze over
The boy is young, only 5 years old
What is confusing me is he carries the scent of a holy dragon, and a fallen dragon…A combination that should not be possible, considering a fallen dragon was once a Holy Dragon, but cast down from the heavens
Moves from his place against the wall, starting to slowly approach the young one
Yet he carries the scent of others, having escaped somewhere perhaps?

???: The small wings try to wrap around him, shying away from the approaching male

Deimos: Hm..

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Phalakros) “I… told you.”

(Lucitius) He sighs, slowly moving to stand. He gently grabs Phalakros’ shoulder.
“There is more here than either of us are currently aware. Now, be calm, dear Phalakros. You know how I hate seeing you like this.”

(Phalakros) “I see them. They… like the newcomer. They are conspiring against me!” His voice was barely more than a whisper, maroon tears welling in his eyes.

(Lucitius) “Mine dear Phalakros.” He held both of Phalakros’ shoulders now. “Focus. Find your center and focus.”

(Phalakros) “Why do they like the child?”

(Lucitius) “They or you?”

(Phalakros) He blinked, perplexed.

@Dragoncita group

Deimos: Comes to kneel down just a few feet from the child, offering a soft smile
Hello little one

???: Seems to recoil at first at the sudden rise of voices nearby, but the soft voice of Deimos seems to calm him down, if only slightly

Deimos: Seemingly shoots a hidden glare towards the pair, then moves his gaze back forward
Seems the young one does not like loud noises
Probably has something to do from where he escaped
Moves a hand, reaching into a pocket of his jacket, then pulling out a wrapper, offering it outwards
Come here little one, I'm sure you are hungry yes?

???: Remains still, other than the shaking of his body now and then, slowly moves forward, arms having lower, revealing a heavy metallic collar around his neck. Takes the offered food from Deimos:

Deimos: Holds his soft smile towards the child, though his nature seems to have changed slightly, noticing the collar
There you are young one
Mumbles under his breath suddenly
…hm, seems I may have to make room for a few more souls…


(Me) You know what, I'm sending the couple home and replacing them with Iolite and one of my other OCs.

(???) Squeaking noise reminiscent of a rubber chicken

(Me) If you want to ask what it translates to, go ahead.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Me) Just as long as Iolite doesn’t recite another movie script. That was outrageously long! And do I dare ask for the translation?

(Lucitius) He glances over at Deimos and the child. He speaks to Deimos with a quiet voice, having overheard him.
“I would offer mine help, yet I doubt you would need, or appreciate, it.

(Phalakros) “You would go with him?”

(Lucitius) He gently lifted Phalakros’ chin with a claw. He keeps his voice quiet.
“‘Tis what I do. I have an eternal bloodlust, as you well know. How can I resist the taste of a tyrant’s blood? ‘Tis as welcoming as Synthia’s arms.”

(Phalakros) “You…”

(Lucitius) He put a finger on Phalakros’ lips, indicating he should speak quieter as well.

(Phalakros) “What… Why are you…” He sputtered into silence, too flustered to ask Lucitius anything. He escaped the claw on his chin, walking away.

(Lucitius) He watched Phalakros with concern, looking back and forth between him and the child near Deimos. He then stared at the ground, breathing deep to keep his composure.

@Dragoncita group

Deimos: One of his ears twitches towards Lucitius
It is probably best I do it alone.
I am not sure how well the deities in my world would take to a stranger suddenly entering and possibly becoming a threat
That, as well as my true nature is uncontrollable, meaning I will not differentiate friend from foe

???: Quietly eats the breadroll

Deimos: Hm…Guess I should find someone to watch over you
Moves a hand, rubbing the back of his head around his ears
Cause I'm not exactly 'parental material'


(Iolite) I'm going to move over to the side trips

(Me) Let me make something clear, the squeaking noises weren't censoring anything. They're just how the new character's species speaks.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Me) I’m just wondering what the squawking creature is, that’s all.

(Lucitius) “I see, and understand well the chaos I would bring. I also knew a similar uncontrollable form millennia ago. Yet, that ended abruptly when I nearly destroyed what sustained the drāckonian realm. I only vaguely remember the whole ordeal, yet I still have a prominent scar.”
He shrugged, glancing at Phalakros.

(Phalakros) He paced in a small line, clearly trying to avoid panicking.

(Lucitius) He sighed and approached Phalakros, hoping to soothe him.

(Phalakros) He whirled around at Lucitius’ approach, terrified, and abruptly vanished in a cloud of black smoke. He reappeared several feet away. He looked around, then whimpered.

(Lucitius) He slowed his approach, sighing again. When he finally reached Phalakros, he gently held his cheek, turning the youth to face him.
“You need not fear me, dear Phalakros.”

(Phalakros) “‘Tis not you, yet this place. They have followed me here. I… I know not how to escape them. I know not how to leave.”

(Lucitius) “They are nightmares, nothing more. Ignore them, find your focus.”

(Phalakros) He shakily nodded.

(Me) Phalakros technically can’t teleport. Only after his ‘possession’ did he develop teleportation, though only when he’s terrified.

@Dragoncita group

Deimos: Stands up from his place he had been kneeling in front of the child
Why don't you sit and rest here for a little while little one. It is most likely safer here than from wherever you came from

???: Glances upwards towards Deimos, then gives a small nod, sitting down, hugging his knees close to his chest, tail curling close against his side, small wings trying to wrap around his body

Deimos: Slowly steps away, starting to walk
Well, this shall be interesting…I trust no harm shall befall the child while I am away yes?
Seems to pause for a moment, glancing back. Despite the hidden gaze, an intenseness is felt behind it, glaring

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Lucitius) “No harm shall come to him from me. If others come, I shall do what I can to protect him.”

(Phalakros) “I will make sure Lucitius keeps his word. Yet, I will likely be nowhere near the child.”

(Lucitius) He looks at Phalakros. “It may do some good if you lingered with him, for both of you.”

(Phalakros) He shook his head.

@Dragoncita group

Deimos: Simply gives a nod, facing back forward. Once again his voice seems to have changed, back to the sinister tone
Mm, been some time since I have had such black souls…I actually look forward to this feast
Steps forward, seeming to disappear completely into darkness

???: Lifts his small horned head, observing as Deimos took his leave, then glances towards Lucitius and Phalakros. Watches the pair for a bit, then seems to simply withdraw into himself, trying to hide behind his small wings, completely submissive

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Lucitius) “I recall when you would do such. Go, talk to him.”

(Phalakros) “You have more experience than I in this.”

(Lucitius) “I am not as frightened as you. This will give you something to do, someone you can soothe.”

(Phalakros) He hesitated, seeming about to refuse again. He then slowly, shakily, approached the child. He sat down a feet away from the boy, breathing deeply. He caressed a feather near his ear, seeking comfort in its soft texture.

(Lucitius) He watched Phalakros, then glanced around to check where Iolite and the newcomer was. He wanted no one to disturb the youth and Phalakros.

@Dragoncita group

???: Gentle blue eyes dark back and forth a few moments, as the child seemed to hear movement. Seeing the approaching Phalakros, once again seems to press himself together, trying to be as small as possible. Observes quietly, body starting to tremble now and then as the other sits across from him. After several more moments, a silent, small voice emits from the child
I-I'm sorry…I-I-I don't wanna go back…
seems at a loss of words, other than body shaking

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Phalakros) He looks up timidly, his eyes seeming to deliberately avoid the floor.
“You do not need to apologize. I… am sure ‘tis far more pleasant here than where you came. I… only wish I knew where ‘here’ was.”
He chuckled nervously.


(Me) Talking to somebody

(Iolite) I'm back!

(???) Squeaks curiously

(Me) And then potatoes fell from the sky because we are the gods of this pocket dimension.


(???) A potato hits her and she squeaks in a shocked passive-aggressive way

(Iolite) I did nothing! I was just talking to Ronald McDonald so I could threaten him for free chicken nuggets. She holds up a bag stuffed to the brim with chicken nuggets

(Me) Yeah, plot twist. She was just getting food and had no part in the potato rain. That was me and no one but me. I was tired of enacting my chaotic meme behaviour through Iolite and decided just to do it myself.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Me) Still no adequate response. Don’t mind me, I just don’t really do/know memes, of any kind. I’m not mad or upset, just confused.

(Lucitius) He huffs at Iolite again.
“Speak quieter. I wish not for the young one to be frightened by your ignorant shouting.”
He indicated the boy in front of Phalakros as he spoke.

@Dragoncita group

???: Seems to relax, if only slightly, one of his hands moves, taking hold of his tail, fidgeting with it, eyes remaining trained on the floor
Oh…it i-is…m-more room here…with no s-s-scary people…
Body seems to start trembling again at the mention of 'people'


(Iolite) -whispering- According to my old company, I'm already scary. I mean, I'm sure an anthropomorphic cat with a snake for a tail is odd, but does that mean it's scary.