forum Oc roleplay with your host dani
Started by Dani Jean McGhee

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@Dragoncita group

Me: I mostly just lurk in the background, though been apart of this site for nearly 3 years now I believe
Only really speak if something interests me, or I start an RP of my own

Deimos: Seems to shrug
All depends I suppose

Carol: has walked over towards Phalakros and Eilander. The creature's ears perk up, swiveling forward, glances back for a moment
Demmy dear, did you grab my basket like I asked?

Deimos: Body stiffens again at being called 'Demmy' in front of so many. Ears lay flat back against his head
I did indeed
Seems to pull a picnic basket out of thin air, moving over, setting it down next to the old Guasnan, then stepping back again. Moves a hand, rubbing the back of his neck

Carol: Clasps her hands, rubbing them together
There, there, here, I made spinach rolls!
We Guasnan aren't really 'meat-eaters', so sorry to you folks who are, but I do promise, these are just as good!

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Me) Makes sense.

(Lucitius) He turns to Carol.
“I need not eat. Feed the others before me, I beg.”

(Phalakros) He seems about to speak, but hesitates. It was almost like he was afraid to say the wrong thing.

(Lucitius) He notices Phalakros and sighs sorrowfully.
“I believe Phalakros wishes to mention that we, drāckonians, are strictly carnivorous. Yet, Phalakros, here, is a half-breed. There is a chance, despite its small size, that he would be unaffected.”

(Phalakros) He looks at Lucitius, horrified by his idea.

@Dragoncita group

Carol: Had reached into her basket, seeming to rummage around a bit. One of her ears perks up towards Lucitius
Oh? Drāckonians? You wouldn't be chance like Dragonkin? Sorry if I'm assuming dear.

Deimos: tilts his head towards the side
Doubtful. Dragonkin in our world are the offspring of a dragon and human. Though what with more Dragonkin, both parents can be Dragonkin…well, there was an abundance for awhile, before the war between man and dragon started
Seemingly grimaces

Carol: A frown actually seems to cross the normal cheery appearance of the old creature
Terrible, simply terrible what is happening

Eilander: Still sitting near Phalakros, the child lifts his head though at the mention of food
More f-food?

Carol: Turns to look back to the small draconic child, a sweet smile crossing her muzzle again
Of course little Kirde, I have as much as you want!

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Lucitius) He chuckles a moment, his eyes gleaming slyly.
“I suppose we could be considered akin. We are shapeshifters, and one of our forms is a dragon. However, we are neither human nor true dragon. The union of those two is truthfully near impossible, given the rarity of true dragons. ’Tis such a pity. I have always been fond of the smell of an enraged female.”

(Phalakros) He looks at Lucitius with a strange look.
“I hope you are not implying something that would enrage Synthia.”

(Lucitius) He starts to laugh.
“No, mine dear Phalakros, I assure you! I have always, and always shall, be faithful to mine beloved Synthia. I simply enjoy being near a female dragon. After all, mine birth form is more akin to them than a drāckonian’s.”

(Phalakros) “Are you a true dragon?”

(Lucitius) He shrugged.
“Aye and no. I honestly know not, yet I am also not a native of the Material Plane. Remember that, Phalakros. Mine birthplace is difficult to define by default, and true dragons are less numerous outside the Material Plane.”

@Dragoncita group

Deimos: The hidden raise of an eyebrow, though gives a slight shrug
Dragonkin have the ability to take to a dragon form, normally when they reach the 200 year mark. Albeit, they are weaker than their parent dragon, but still a formidable force
Dragons are quite common in our world, coming in all shapes, sizes, and species.
Voice lowers, becoming softer
Little Eilander is a dragon, though currently in human form. Most likely he'll transform back sooner or later here. Extreme emotional stress does tend to do that to young ones…triggering their abilities that they are only learning to control…and unfortunately for our little dragon chick, he does not have any parents, something I'm hoping Madam Carol can remedy…

Carol: Moved over to where Eilander sat with Phalakros, holding out a bread-like roll
Here little Kirde, I have plenty more in my basket

Eilander: Seems hesitant at first, slowly taking the offered roll. Stares at it a few moments, then seems to instantly scarf it down, looking for more

Deimos: Pauses, moving his head, ears perking upwards

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Lucitius) He turns to Eilander with a thoughtful smile. An appreciative rumbling breifly echoes in his throat.

“A true dragon, from another multiverse. How fascinating. I had not thought of such a defensive ability, though… I think a drāckonian could manage something similar. It would take considerable willpower on their part, and they would have to be over a millenium. A drāckonian youngling begins as a dragon, then after a millenium and a quarter, they shed into their true form and begin their Early Prime. That is in our years though, I cannot recall the human equivalent at this moment.”

He thinks hard for a moment, then gives up with a shrug. He glances at Phalakros.

“I told you, Phalakros, the two of you would get along well. The young ones always recognize a kindred soul.”

(Phalakros) He glances at Lucitius with a timid gaze.
“Yet, I am not a dragon. Mine full form is a bird. And the only stress I had as a Youngling had been from you.”

(Lucitius) A flash of pain appears in his eyes at Phalakros’ words, then he snorts.
“Dragons can have feathers too. Yet, none of that is my point. You two share many things in common. Foul hardships that you escaped, as an example.”

(Phalakros) He sighs.

(Lucitius) “Be not concerned, mine dear Phalakros. I have no doubt that with proper care, Eilander shall grow as strong as you have, and not become the shattered soul I am.”
He continues to watch Eilander, fascinated by the youth.

(Phalakros) He sputters in confusion, then shrugs and turns away, shaking his head. He quietly mutters to himself, “Why must you ramble now?”

(Me) Sorry for the length. I know we’ve been sticking to shorter posts, but I got a little carried away.

@Dragoncita group

Me: Nah, the longer the better in my opinion
I usually write much more, but that's when I'm properly writing either for a story or RP

Carol: Chuckles softly, setting the basket closer to Eilander
Here, take as many as you want

Eilander: The once hesitant child seems to have changed, now focused primarily on eating the offered food. A soft growl seems to emit from him

Deimos: Lays one ear back
Hm…seems that draconic nature is coming through a bit strong
Though as I said, Eilander is a dragon, and just a chick at that. Takes usually years for one to reach mature growth…except for a few species
Pauses again, thoughtful
Though I'm still curious on how his union of parents came to be…a Fallen Dragon and Holy Dragon…

Carol: Leans forward on her cane, watching the young child devour the contents of the basket, though lifts her head, ears perking up
Is that so? Quite strange indeed, that the gods and goddesses have not sought out the child. Perhaps there is another role he yet to play in our world

Deimos: Gives a shrug
Who knows, I only answer the call of either Goddess of Justice, or the Death God whenever a time arises
Hidden gaze shifts to Phalakros for a moment, then back forward
Interesting, and aye, dragons can indeed have feathers or even fur. The Northern Fur Dragon Clans being prime examples of fur covered dragons.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Me) Cool. And yay, another who likes to write long things!

(Lucitius) A large grin appears on his face.
“A fiery one indeed. To be a Generation Watcher when he matures…”
A tall staff made of a unique black wood materializes in his hands, and he leans down against it, watching Eilander.

(Phalakros) He glances at Lucitius in confusion, not understanding the reference. Then he turns to Deimos, his arms shaking. He curls them tighter and takes a deep breath.
“I can understand the different forms of a dragon. I actually know one who has fur. He is one of mine oldest allies, and younger brother of Lucitius. Yet, I am truly a simple bird. Lucitius might not see it as such, yet ‘tis true.”

(Lucitius) He perks up at the mention of his brother, glancing over at Phalakros.
“Mine dear Phalakros, dare not doubt yourself. Look at what you have learned and done while in your full form. ‘Tis much more grand than you might think, mine little bird.”
He starts to laugh and turns away. From his expression and his slight sway, what he was laughing about was something only he knew.

(Me) Just fyi, ‘ally = ‘friend’ to drāckonians. ‘Friend’ is not a word in the drāckonian language, so they call someone an ally or even ‘brother/sister not of blood’ as alternatives.

@Dragoncita group

Deimos: Both ears perk upwards towards the interaction, growing silent for several moments, though turns his head at a chirrup

Eilander: The boy's form seemed to suddenly shimmer, body shrinking downwards. It doesn't seem to last long before the shimmer disperses, now revealing a small dragon that is partially inside the large basket, body draped over it. The small dragon is pale white, scales soft in appearance. Though now clearly seen the small creature's body is covered in various scars, some which fairly new

Deimos: A low growl seems to come from the male, ears laying flat back against his head

Eilander: Lifts his head out of the basket, currently holding a roll in his muzzle. The heavy metallic collar still attached to his neck unfortunately

Carol: Carefully moves a hand, brushing the collar, which makes the small dragon suddenly drop his roll, dropping to his stomach, tail curling tightly between his legs. A frown crosses the Guasnan's features
Oh dear, I'm sorry my little Kirde, do not fear, I am not wanting to do anything with the contraption that could harm you

Deimos: That collar…still have yet to figure out what the bastards used to create it…whatever they did…I dislike it

Me: Ah, I see I see
Guess I'll add 'Kirde' is Guasnan for basically child or kid

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Me) Kinda figured. Really neat how you did that.

(Lucitius) His laughter pauses at the sound of Deimos growling. He then turns to Eilander. A strange grunt comes from him at the sight of the collar and scars.
“The cruelty of too many souls. Such beauty tormented by foul deeds. ‘Come to me, mine darling Death.’”
Lucitius sways a moment, seeming to hold desperately onto his staff. A blue tear drops from his eye, then he faints.

(Phalakros) “Lucitius!”
He quickly moves next to him, deliberately not touching Lucitius. He circles Lucitius, worry painted on his face.
“Why? Why now?”
He paces for a moment, then sighs, mumbling to himself.
“Not now. Not now.”
He nudges Lucitius’ side, jumping back.

(Lucitius) He snatches his staff, vanishing with a faint blue silhouette slowly fading from his place. He reappears to the side of Phalakros, farther away from Eilander and the others, mid-spin, claws aimed for Phalakros’ face.

(Phalakros) He yelps, leaning back, Lucitius’ long claws cutting off some of his hair. He stumbles backward, but remains standing. He watches Lucitius warily, ignoring his hair for the moment.

(Lucitius) He retracts his hand, raising his staff in preparation for a swing. He then seems to recognize his surroundings and he gasps in horror, backing away from Phalakros. He leans his forehead on his staff, seeming quite upset with himself.

@Dragoncita group

Me: Still working on the language my more beast-like creatures speak
Beastian (as I've just been calling it) has a lot of more guttural sounds with 'r'

Deimos: Body seems to instantly bristle, a glow barely seen beneath the blindfold. Instinctively moved, body becoming between Carol and Eilander and the pair that have suddenly become threats in his hidden eyes. Lips curls back, once again revealing his canines, nails seem to grow into curved claws

Eilander: Whimpers at the sudden loud noises, body starting to shake uncontrollably

Carol: Despite her hunched and almost fragile appearance, the goat-like humanoid slowly, carefully reaches down and picks up the young dragon chick, speaking in a soft, hushed tone in a different tongue

Eilander: Once picked up, instantly hides his head into the crook of the Guasnan's arm, body continuing to shake

Deimos: At the yelp of Phalakros, a guttural snarl escapes his maw, body seeming to shake as if threatening to change

Carol: Lifts her head
Deimos…Calm Sil'maat…This place cannot take your true form…none of us can if you change…Sil'maat, please…

Deimos: Hearing the title 'Sil'maat', seems to calm, if only slightly

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Me) That’s neat. I’ve actually been working on my drāckonian language. It’s a guttural language too, but with a lot of lisping, so they have a lot of K’s, S’s, and Th’s. It’s also a tongue twister, and supposedly unable to be accurately spoken by creatures lacking a forked tongue.

I’ve also been thinking of adding an ‘official’ name that they call themselves, but I can’t think of anything better than drāckonian. The problem: it’s a bit close to draconian, not only a word but also a reptilian creature in DnD and Star Trek (in the old tv series). And, while I’m talking about it, do you have any advice on that? Is it too close, or just far enough away to not be confused?
(Lucitius) He notices the enraged Deimos, tears streaming from his eyes. In a whisper, he speaks.
“Forgive me, I beg. I have seen too many younglings trapped as he.” He nods to Eilander.
“Too many drāckonians. Too many of mine children.”
He curls against his staff again, swaying side to side.

(Phalakros) “Drāckonians? Children? Great Guardian?”

(Lucitius) He doesn’t look up.
“There is no difference between Lucitius and Great Guardian. They are one and the same within me.”

(Phalakros) He sighs, stepping forward to put a hand on Lucitius’ shoulder. He doesn’t budge when Lucitius flinches.
“Think of it this way. Eilander is free. Yet, if you continue to focus on the similarities of his tragic beginning, you will trap him within himself.”

(Lucitius) He turns his head, still leaning on the staff. He contemplates Phalakros’ words for a while before giving a reply.
“As always, you make your point clear. How I wish mine own mind could do the same. Very well, mine dear Phalakros. Go soothe Eilander for me, I shall stay here, far enough away to temper mineself.”
He sits down, watching from a couple dozen feet away.

(Phalakros) He nods, then cautiously heads toward Deimos and the others. He holds his hands up shakily, hoping to avoid being eaten.

@Dragoncita group

Me: I see I see
I am unfortunately unsure
I myself have what I've just been calling Dragonians. Dragonians being anthro/humanoid dragons
Unlike the Dragonkin, they are more draconic in appearance, and they do not have the ability to take a dragon form
Though, they are able to mate with humans, but it is an extremely rare occurrence

Deimos: Still seems to remain bristling, fangs remained bared

Carol: Stands up a bit straighter, leaning against a nearby wall, stroking the dragon chick's back carefully. One of her ears swivels forward towards Lucitius
Patience, I have known Deimos for some time…though he is ancient, even compared to me. Even I do not know his full backstory, but he will not harm, less you harm him first, or those he sees as allies
He should calm down in a few moments…hopefully.
I will also admit, I do not know what he is, some worship him as a protector, others as a destroyer. Both are equal though how I see it

Deimos: Snarling quiets down to a low growl, ears laid flat back against his head, though the glow beneath the blindfold seems to slowly start to die down to darkness like the black of the blindfold. Though the movement of Phalakros causes him to hiss slightly

Eilander: Remained with his small head buried in the crook of Carol's arm, body continuing to shake

Carol: Sil'maat, the young man means no harm. His soul is clean, surely you can judge it as so no?
Continues to pet the shaking dragon chick in her arms, humming softly

Deimos: A guttural noise seems to escape the male. Slowly takes a step back, but those hidden eyes remain trained directly on the other, as if daring them to make one wrong movement that could be perceived as a threat

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Me) Oh well, that’s alright. I actually made a thread about the name dilemma earlier, and hopefully I can get that sorted out. The hardest part will be finding a name that fits, because I’ve been calling the race ‘drāckonian’ for years now and am rather used to it. But, anyway.

(Lucitius) He dismisses his staff, the item fading into nothingness, shifting to a more comfortable sitting position. He watches Deimos closely, waiting for the first sign of trouble. If Deimos tried to hurt Phalakros, he would instead meet Lucitius. Though, that likely wouldn’t happen, considering the timid nature of his dear Phalakros.

(Phalakros) “I assure you, I mean no harm, and likely would not be able to cause any if I wished to. Lucitius has these outbursts sometimes. He can be extremely sensitive about things. We are all fortunate that this is all that happened. ‘Tis much worse when he regresses.”

(Lucitius) He snorts at Phalakros’ words, then sighs, unable to deny what Phalakros had said.

(Phalakros) “Lucitius shall stay over there to avoid any further outbursts. I truly hope Eilander is not too shaken by this.”
He pauses several feet away, not daring to pass Deimos but looking toward Eilander with concern.

@Dragoncita group

Deimos: Seems to freeze for several moments, then shakes his head, lifting a hand, resting his head against the palm of his hand
D-Damn't…usually I have a better grip on that…

Carol: Turns her head, glancing towards Deimos, a sympathetic look crossing her muzzle
Tis not your fault my dear

Eilander: The once shaking spasms that had taken hold of the dragon chick seem to subside, only the occasional tremble of the small dragon's form now and then while remaining in Carol's arms. Moves his head for a moment from its place where he had it buried in the crook of the Guasnan's arm. A soft whimper comes from him, returning to hiding his head

Deimos: Still…things could have ended a lot worse should I have suddenly turned…
Hidden gaze shifts to the cowering dragon chick in Carol's arms
Not too surprising…the little one would be terrified of sudden loud noises and movements…from what I had observed the few moments of his prison…before I destroyed it all…a pity I may have ended up supping on a few innocent souls in the process…
Seems to shrug to himself

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Phalakros) After Deimos speaks, he seems to calm considerably, as if used to the concept of a creature barely containing their power. He lowers his hands, entwining them at his waist. He waits patiently, glancing at Deimos periodically while watching Eilander.

(Lucitius) “Innocent are often hurt. ‘Tis inevitable.”
His voice is quiet and depressed.

(Phalakros) He glances behind himself at Lucitius, then sighs and returns to staring at Eilander. A thought comes to him and he glances at Deimos.
“I believe Lucitius would have fought you had things turned bad. To protect Eilander, yet specifically to protect me. He has ‘died’ many times and has been revived shortly after, and he can endure many things.”

(Lucitius) “I have only endured having my soul sucked from my body once, and that was shortly before I became one, and caused by me. Now that I am one creature, ‘tis a definite unknown if I would truly survive that.”

(Phalakros) He pauses, then turns to Lucitius.
“I doubt you would hesitate in such circumstances. I know how you are.”

(Lucitius) He smiles. “True. I would gladly die to protect you and Synthia and all of drāckonian kind, as long as there is no risk to all of you.”

(Phalakros) He nods, then returns to his patient waiting.

@Dragoncita group

Deimos: A low sigh seems to escape him, slowly stepping back, then turning around altogether
Tis probably best…I step out for some time…
Seems to raise his hand in a slight wave, taking a step forward and disappearing through a dark portal that seemingly opened up out of nowhere

Carol: Ears flick up, watching the male walk away, most likely returning to their world. A soft sigh, then looks down to the dragon chick in her arms
I need to set you down little Kirde
Smiles, chuckling softly
You have gotten rather heavy

Eilander: The small dragon doesn't move as he is suddenly set on the ground. Remains where he was placed, blue eyes looking all around, the once curious glimmer in his eyes like earlier was no longer there, instead a look of constant fear, as if expecting to get attacked at any moment despite the calming of the area

Carol: Leans down, carefully running her fingers down the dragon chick's spine
There there, it'll be alright now

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Lucitius) He turns to Delta and snorts.
“Seems you have slept through too much. You have been rather quiet, until now.”
He turns to the newcomer.
“Quiet. The youngling here does not react well to loud noises.”
He looks back at Phalakros, wiping off his tear-streaked face.

(Phalakros) He cautiously approaches Carol and Eilander, sitting down nearby. He hesitates a moment, unsure of what to do.
“‘Tis Phalakros again. No one here is going to hurt you. Lucitius simply had one of his fits, nothing more. They happen, often at the worst times.”

(Lucitius) He starts to quietly hum, closing his eyes and gently swaying side to side. This seems to slowly calm him.

(Phalakros) He glances over at Lucitius, then chuckles. He looks back at Carol and Eilander.
“That is a soothing technique Synthia had taught him millenia ago. I have never seen him use it before.”


(???) Amelia, you shouldn't burst into unknown situations like that.

(Amelia) But that's the best way to enter an unknown situation.

(???) Audible sigh I apologize for my girlfriend's best friend.