@ElderGod-kirky group
"Sooooo. Do you happen to be any good at mazes…?" Tess knew she was grasping at straws at this point, but she was panicking and she was desperate.
"Sooooo. Do you happen to be any good at mazes…?" Tess knew she was grasping at straws at this point, but she was panicking and she was desperate.
“Honestly, I’ve barely heard of mazes.”
Tessa groaned and paced, careful she didn't bump into anybody.
(guys my sister gave me a thing of ramen so I'm gonna have ramen for breakfast tomorrow and I'm way too excited)
(Lucky I want ramen breakfast…)
Tristan quietly poked at the wall
"Well, there has to be a way out. And we are so not dying down here. can we burn a way out? without using up the limited solar energy of Tess? Or we could dig… Do we have any explosives?" She again started pacing.
Enderstorm sat down, trying to think.
“We should probably get out of this maze. Maybe…” As she was speaking, the floor dropped out from under you all, dropping everyone into a room just below the tunnel. It was still pretty dark, but Enderstorm noticed torches lining the wall, and quickly lit them on fire, casting the room in a dim light. The flames revealed a big drop just in front of the group, a ledge barely visible on the other side.
"This is new," Tessa helpfully pointed out.
“I’m going to check out the other side.” Enderstorm spread her wings and jumped off the ledge, rising quickly and flying to the other side. The cavern was barely big enough for her to spread her wings, and she dipped and rose the whole way.
"Cool. You do that. I'll watch these guys," she said to an already departed Enderstorm.
Anna yelped and froze in place. "Is it new, Tess? IS IT REALLY?" Then she stopped and started taking deep breaths. "I'm sorry, I'm just really stressed. But this can be good!" She experienced a quick mood swing and then realized something. "I can see… Light, how I've missed you!"
Enderstorm looked around on the platform and saw that it went a ways and then had a tunnel branching off to the right.
“I think the maze continues this way. I can carry you guys over one by one,” She called back to the group as she took off again and flew to them.
(I have to go I'll be back in about 15 minutes)
(Okay bye Brenna)
(By Mother Hen!)
Tess opened her wings, testing out the width. "I think I can fit. I can carry one or both of the boys."
Enderstorm nodded, crouching down to let people get on her back.
“Don’t be shy to grab the spines. They’re just bone, after all.”
Tessa scooped up Tristan and Danny, spreading her wings and preparing for take-off.
Tristan held on tightly
Enderstorm flapped her wings and took off gracefully, making sure to stay level so no one would fall. She landed on the other side, which was very, very dark, and extended a wing so Tristan could climb off. She then went back for Anna.
(Actually now it's bedtime for me so bye everybody good night)
(Goodnight Brenna! Imma go too and watch YouTube)
(Okay, bye everyone!)
(we're quickly learning that ramen + moving bus=messy)
(Ummmm, duh?)
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