@ElderGod-kirky group
(Sounds like a plan)
(Sounds like a plan)
(Turns out I have like two more minutes before I have to leave yay!)
Enderstorm rushed over to Anna and the others, breathing a tiny puff of flame so she could see them better.
(Sounds good I should probably focus on other things anyway)
"Now that we're all together, how're we supposed to leave?"
"Well, it is Enderstorm's trial. So, they put us somewhere only she can see… to lead us… but seeing… blind…" She started pacing again. "So there's something else she's supposed to see that none of us can. Endie, do you have any elemental powers besides fire? Tess is solar based, but if you have a different kind of base for your power or elemental magic, maybe there's a kind of invisible ink you have to solve or something, something only you could ever do, like how only Danny could find the tunnel or only Tess could kill a giant hydra?" She trailed off as her mind kept spinning around and around the possibilities.
(What happened)
(Oh I was just announcing my arrival
(Figured right after I sent that)
(Is that how you enter every room?)
(Occasionally, yes. I screech randomly, all the time so yeah
(Not hard to imagine, surprisingly)
(that's what my band director does. Instead if directing she makes goat noises and says words in Spanish)
(that must suck)
(it does we all hate her and she graduated college two years ago so she's super young and has no idea what to do. But it's okay because hopefully I'll get in the other band next year :/
(My new English teacher–after our other new English teacher got a different job at the school her kids go to–is fresh out of college and drains my energy EVERY DAY. She's so freaking loud and obnoxious, alters words to make them sound not English, says random Spanish words, and tries to speak in slang and whatnot.)
(I think that's just a fresh outta college teacher thing because I've had teachers that just graduated and that's what they're like too)
(It sucks. I get that they need the experience and the job, but come on! Dial it down a bit!)
(it's funny if you don't actually need to learn because you can con them into letting you get away with stuff. In my mythology class no one would do the homework unless he specifically said it was homework and then we watched thor ragnarok for the last week. It was great)
(Lucky. I would love a mythology class. My French class is kinda like that. If she doesn't feel like doing anything or she's feeling crappy, then we get minimal to no work.)
"Well, it is Enderstorm's trial. So, they put us somewhere only she can see… to lead us… but seeing… blind…" She started pacing again. "So there's something else she's supposed to see that none of us can. Endie, do you have any elemental powers besides fire? Tess is solar based, but if you have a different kind of base for your power or elemental magic, maybe there's a kind of invisible ink you have to solve or something, something only you could ever do, like how only Danny could find the tunnel or only Tess could kill a giant hydra?" She trailed off as her mind kept spinning around and around the possibilities.
Enderstorm thought for a moment.
“Not really. I have great night vision, I breath fire, I’m a good leader, I can fly, and I can turn into a human. Besides that, I’m just your average, every-day Enderdragon.”
Tessa tilted her head. "Excuse me if I'm being rude, but what's an Enderdragon?"
“We’re a race of powerful dragons, the Empresses of the End, the Mothers of the Endermen, the Masters of the End Crystals.” Enderstorm puffed her chest up in pride at the legacy of her predecessors.
Tess whistled. "Impressive. Any Enderdragon-only abilities?"
Enderstorm shook her head.
“I would need to be in the End for that. There aren’t any other dragons except Enderdragons where I come from, so we are pretty powerful, but when I travel to dimensions with other dragons I quickly realize I’m somewhat of an underdog.”
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