@Althalosian-is-the-father book
(Legit. G'night.)
(Legit. G'night.)
Midnight: Turns to Nmere Is he talking about that jackass that sent us here?
Nmere: "No. His name is…"
Soáki: Hissing "Neirym."
Kilandrè: opening eyes I don't think we are among mortals here
Arandor: Is that a good thing?
Kilandrè: …No
Nmere: "Back to the business at hand. Are we going to try to get information from the locals?"
Kilandrè: Does not seem like a good idea to me
Soáki: "Well how else are we even supposed to go in the right direction? If we go the wrong way we could find ourselves marching deeper into their territory like fools!
Zenua thinks for a moment as Midnight tried to console Aquaramis.
Zenua: Lia'al, do you think you can speak to the plants?
Lia'al: I can try, but I can't guarantee anything.
Kilándrè: The plants! I might be able to tell our approximate area by the local flora
Lia'al: You can talk to plants? I thought only elven druids could…
Soáki: "Well go ahead then!"
Lia'al: Walking over to a random flower I'll try, but I'm still struggling with the plant part of the whole druid thing…
(Chaos, you are probably going to have to be the flower. You know your own world better than I do.)
Lia'al: You can talk to plants? I thought only elven druids could…
Kilandrè: I don't talk to them. It's called basic plant identification. Part of ranger training
Nmere nods understandingly.
Kilandrè: studies plants This is Essaï, I think. My…cousin might be able to help us
Lia'al: Listens then gives up Arg… I'm getting nothing!
Kilandrè: Welcome to Essaï, I guess
Zenua: You tried…
Midnight: You okay, Aquaramis?
Aquaramis: Sniffs and blinks I feel weak… and tired…
Soáki: "Don't we all."
Arandor: Can we go to Evilea's estate?
Kilandrè: It's technically not hers, but we can try
Krystal: Who?
Arandor: Evilea. Lady of Aerestione. Our…second?…cousin
Soáki: "Isn't this the place where you would get sold out? Are you so sure you can trust this cousin of yours?"
Kilandrè: Hopefully….
Nmere: "Which way?"
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