@Nightmare_Eclipse language
(You had to. Why, WHY?)
(You had to. Why, WHY?)
Blade sighs and restrains herself from shoving Jordie.
Rayla starts giggling at the random word.
Cole just stares at Jordie. "From every word you could've chosen, why 'crochet hook'?"
Arthur answered with a laugh, "Because random words are random." He cups his hands around his mouth, and shouts down the hallway, "Serendipitous day to alll!"
Rayla giggles harder and decides to join them.
"Tooda-loo!" she calls down the hall, bursting into more giggles.
Cole shakes his head and chuckles. "Loquacious larvae!" He shouts into the tunnel.
"Lo-Loqu-Loquacious? Wow, that's a new one!" Arthur plops down and pulls out a full sized dictionary out of his bag, and starts scanning the L section.
"How'd you fit that in your bag?" Cole asks incredulously. "It's smaller than the book itself!"
Rayla squeals.
"You know spatial magic too, Arthur?" she asks, excited.
Arthur smirks. "Magic bag. It was one of the many, many magic items left in the library. The dictionary is also enchanted, as if you whack someone over the head with it, it basically acts like a full warhammer. The bag was like this, but I enchanted the book myself. You can learn a lot of skills with a few centuries in a library alone."
Rayla slumps.
"Ugh, I thought I'd found someone else who could use my magic. . ." she pouts.
"Woah…" Cole looks at Arthur with sparkling eyes. "Could you teach me?"
Arthur responded to Cole, "Probably! I learned it all just by reading books, so I can probably teach it pretty well."
Arthur closed the book, and faced Rayla. "What do you mean by that exactly?" Arthur still wasn't sure what Rayla's deal was, and was a little curious due to her powerful magic show cases.
"I helped with the understanding of Spatial Magic Theory and Quantum Manipulation, two very important aspects of casting a spell that you want to break reality with. What I mean is that, I'm a magic pioneer who likes seeing people apply my principles to their magic." Rayla giggles happily.
This is going to be GREAT. Cole turns to Miss Rayla as well, intrigued on what she'll say.
"Ah….. makes sense. Did you write a book on that topic?" Arthur asks, racking his brain for any relevant books he has read before.
Rayla smiles brightly.
"I have, but I don't think you can read the language it's written in." she replies; she pulls the book from nowhere anyways.
Arthur peers at the book with curiosity. "What language is it written in? I know a decent bunch, so i might be able to, depending on that."
Cole sighs and plays with his nails. He likes magic and wants to control his (which he has MAGIC! WTF-) but…. "Why don't we save the magic lessons for after we solve this house's mystery?"
Okay, he's being pretentious. Still, is he wrong?
Arthur turns towards the doors, and says, "I believe if I remember correctly, all these different doors go to heaven or something, right?"
"That's what Miss Rayla said." Cole turns to the woman herself. "Right?"
(okay I'm technically not supposed to be here, but i LOVE how polite Cole is with his "Miss Rayla" ^///^ Okay I'm going now and shall return in two weeks…… BYE)
(don't tell anyone I was here……. )
(Your secret is safe with us. Have a good day!)
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