@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
Finally, amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) sat down on her bed. The mattress creaked, causing her to freeze. If Myra had heard that, she would murder herself.
Finally, amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) sat down on her bed. The mattress creaked, causing her to freeze. If Myra had heard that, she would murder herself.
”Oh. Okay. Thanks, I guess.” Since Fynn didn’t really seem to be in the mood for chatting, Isak just awkwardly walked away. God, why the hell do I have to be so awkward?
Myra groaned, tossing a pillow in amy (the most wonderful woman in the world)'s direction before muttering something.
"Somebody with my face needs all the beauty sleep they can get, so try and be quiet, hmm?"
Myra then turned, but it was the wrong way, and a loud thud was heard. She was quick to rush to the bathroom, nose bleeding.
"Holy shit!" She said loudly, slamming and locking the door.
Fynn excused himself once Isak left, figuring this was a good time to go to the pool. It took him a minute to relocate his room, but once he did he was quick to change in the bathroom, making sure he globbed on the sunscreen to avoid sunburn (which according to his mom wasn't as likely for a person with his complexion, but better safe than sorry).
amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) blinked a few times, holding in laughter. Oh, that was too good.
When Myra came out of the bathroom, her hair was pulled up, makeup removed, and the dark circles under her eyes were quite prominent as she blankly stared at amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) before closing her eyes and exhaling.
"That was cold, kid. Very cold. Both waking me up and the water. Good job or whatever, try and wake me up around lunch," She said, briefly pulling her phone from her pocket to check a notification.
"Oh wow, look at that, nobody cares you got a new boy toy Claire," She mumbled, rolling her eyes before laying back down, this time pulling a pillow over the side of her head.
Water? amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) was slightly confused, but she didn't care. Instead, she sat on her bed, back against the wall, and got on Notebook.ai social media.
(Pfft, beautiful.)
Lloyd stayed silent as Fynn walked in, only looking up from his book for a moment to greet him with a slight nod. When the other boy came out with sunscreen on, he could determine he was going to the pool.
Fynn was humming to himself as he hopped down the last few steps to the pool, he had almost fell a few times, but he was never accident-prone.
He quickly found a chair to settle his towel on, and reclined to watch girls go by in bikinis, maybe staring at the occasional guy. As with most things, he lost interest, and ran to dive headfirst into the pool, splashing a few people near by.
He resurfaced quickly, gasping as he inhaled and shaking his hair like a wet dog.
Myra didn't stay down for long, because her last dream had been weird beyond explanation, and her phone kept going off.
She sat up, depositing the pillow on the bed and standing, then grabbing clothes and a hair curler from her suitcase before heading to the bathroom.
After a few minutes she came out, hair curled and makeup back on, she quickly observed her side of the room before fixing her bed and leaving.
'Out of all the places Claire could be, it had to be here,' She though, a bit anxious to meet up with her old friend. It had been so long, she couldn't help but wander if they'd drifted too far apart. Claire had been her sanity up to seventh grade, but times were different. Claire didn't like pink, and thought boys were pigs. Now, she tugged them along on a string, her pink dresses drawing more and more in.
Myra hadn't changed, and maybe it was because she'd feared feeling out of place. She'd accepted her role gladly, and as she stepped out into the lobby, she felt the dread cut off.
Claire was there, but even through the vibrant colors, it was obvious she hadn't changed much. Her scowl was prominent, and Myra could still see her MCR tattoo. Out dated, but familiar. Claire turned, a smile on her face.
"I can't believe we'd meet here of all places," She said, holding her arm out for Myra.
"Right?" Myra responded, linking their arms and giving her a small smile.
Tonight was going to be about karaoke and catching up.
(I'm so tired that every time I look at what I've wrote I find at least one mistake. Just a few more days and I can sleep normally again:'D)
(Then I have summer school, but I'll have time to nap afterwards.)
Isak walked aimlessly around the hotel. Ed and the others seemed to have disapeared completely. He didn’t know what to do. Sitting on his room was boring, and he had already finished his book. The pool, maybe? Nah, Fynn was there and he didn’t want to accidentally make things even more awkward. He didn’t feel like bathing anyways. Isak sighed and checked his phone. Not a single call or message. And I think of myself as popular, he thought.
Virgil yawned, hopping into the elevator and heading to the top floor, where he found his room. He opened the door with the card he had grabbed from the teacher and slipped in. His bags were already there, which was fun. He turned on his hearing aids, he wanted to hear his roommate.
Isak decided to head back to his room again. It wasn’t like he had anything better to do, he could as well start reading the other book that he brought. He took the stairs, and looked around the corridors for a minute before he find the right room. He opened the door.
Virgil was sitting on top of the closet, for no reason whatsoever. "Hey roomie." He said nonchalantly, not like he was sitting on the highest shelf he could find.
Isak tilted his head back to look at him. ”What are you… No, wait. I’m just gonna ignore that. Hey.”
Fynn didn't really know how to properly swim-he just assumed whatever he was doing was right, since he wasn't drowning.
One thing he knew was that once the little kid with dark hair got in, he was getting out. Kids liked to piss in pools, and everyone knew that.
He toweled off quickly before flopping back down on to his chair, sitting in the sun for a minute before checking his phone.
10 Messages from Mom
Instagram needs an update
His eyes flashed up to the time, which was now 1:00 P.M.
It was later than he thought-no way he spent so much time at Starbucks and then the pool!
He ran a hand through his chlorine soaked hair before slowly gathering his belongings. The hotel had places to eat at, so he could just go throw on a shirt and be fine.
"Maybe the Italian place," He said to himself. "Although, the buffet looks good too. . ."
Fynn was always hungry, and it wasn't really because he was dehydrated. He just ate a lot of food, and used a lot of energy.
When he got back to his room, he showered quickly, and then got dressed. He wasn't going to pretend he'd go back in to the pool, because the kid would probably still be there.
As he started out his door, he noticed someone waiting at the elevator and heard a ding. He couldn't help but let out an animalistic cry (which the whole hall probably heard) rush in, as he wasn't going to wait or use the stairs.
He dived into the elevator, earning himself rug burn and a disheveled appearance, and as he stood up, he remembered that he didn't have his phone.
"Oh," He said flatly.
Isak tilted his head back to look at him. ”What are you… No, wait. I’m just gonna ignore that. Hey.”
"Hey. I'm Virgil." He introduced himself, hopping down from the shelf and stumbling a bit, ya know, like the nerd he is.
(Lloyd’s still just chillin in the room lol)
”I’m Isak.” He held out his hand for a handshake. ”Do you often spend time on top of closets?”
"It depends on the closet." Virgil says vaugly, resiting the urge to say he spent most of his time in tge closet.
”O-kay.” Isak didn’t completely understand this guy, but it was fine. ”So, I kind of took that bed.” He pointed at the bed that he chose earlier. ”I hope you don’t mind.”
"Alright, I took the other one anyways. I need the charging port for me hearing aids." Virgil stated in response, flopping onto the other bed.
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