forum roleplay anyone? I just made an account so forgive me if im inexperienced (one person wanted)
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Deleted user

Idk I'm new here and I would like to RP, so perhaps one of you fine fellows would show me the ropes before I go into the more advanced forums?

Deleted user

Hiiii!!!!! Thank you so much! Soooooo what do you want for plot?

Deleted user

Uhhhh, maybe something fantasy or sci-fi? Preferably with some gays in it, because I am gay and I like roleplaying things with queer themes (like hurt/comfort, acceptance of the self, found family, and monster/human love.)

Deleted user

Well, I have a story I'm working on if we can't find a plot? But I'm not sure it's any good…

Deleted user

So, uh, like, I wrote this thing with Robin Hood in mind, mainly. It's a crew of four, travelling the stars stealing from the rich and giving to the poor in their rickety little singing spaceship (yes, she sings to communicate) and trying to take down this big corporation that owns…. kind of everything, even a few planets and governments. Idk, it's silly but I like it.

Deleted user

So, I've mostly spent time developing the areas the corporation reigns over and one other place. So, there are six galaxies, and two of them are controlled by Infinite (the corp). There are seventeen planets where life can exist in those two galaxies, most of them either directly owned by or are puppet states for Infinite, and Infinite basically funds the governments for the ones the don't directly own. Conditions are horrible, people are barely surviving and they're basically controlled by Infinite. The only reason the human race has continued on is that some humans are used for what is basically breeding stock, born into a sort of corporate slavery and with mind control devices made so that they genuinely can't control their behavior. They make up a solid half of the employed population, and their children are also owned by Infinite. They're a bit like the Borg from Star Trek, where their bodies are so reliant on tech and chemicals that going without would kill them. Anyways, that's unfortunate, but the rest of the employed population is worse off so yeah. They sleep and live in pods, have no property besides a small computer device for work, and are basically warehoused, made to work in horrible and unsanitary conditions. Children are made to work as young as three, usually for "voluntary" lab experiments, and are raised by uncaring robots. Most die, those who don't are usually sick with things only Infinite can cure. They ensure that people from the other four planets buy their things while disguising the silent genocide of the workforce behind everyone's favorite trinkets very well, but most who know? Don't care. Humans are so far the only sentient species we know of but there is always the possibility of others.

Deleted user

Oh, sorry! I just tend to do that to people IRL and I assumed it would be the same online. Anyways, thoughts on my scattered mess of ideas?

Deleted user

Uh,,, well, my characters live in a galaxy that ultimately isn't much under the influence of Infinite, so they can go back there in emergencies when liberating the people isn't going so well. How they found out is sort of a long story… but the short version is they got trapped there for a while, somehow managed to pay their way out, and ended up taking one of the workers with them as a stowaway. They then stole the closest ship they could and rewired it for no tracking or sabotage or anything, so um… I don't actually know how to start these things.

@spacebluelily language

Hm, well maybe the characters we're gonna use for this can meet (or could already be friends) when they go back to that galaxy. Idk, my brain doesn't really work in the morning.